T.D. Solokhov1, A.A. Kochkarov2
1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Problem setting. Currently, the development of video games entails an increase in their popularity among all age groups. As a consequence of the development of various gaming platforms, more and more people are beginning to suffer from gaming addiction, which affects their adaptation skills in a social environment. Machine learning will allow clustering of individuals dependent on games and determine the main patterns of behavior of the formed segments, assess the similarity of individuals who fall into the same cluster. The advantage of this approach is the ability to evaluate not all persons with gambling addiction within a single sample, but segmented, based on the severity of the disease.
Target. Using machine learning methods to conduct clustering of persons suffering from gambling addiction, and to determine the characteristic signs of behavior and the level of social adaptation in subjects with different levels of severity of the disease.
Results. Conclusions are drawn that people with a high level of gambling addiction are characterized by increased dissatisfaction with their lives when compared with people without addiction. At the same time, there is a high score on the "Acceptance of others" scale, i.e. a high level of tolerance. In addition, based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the low desire for dominance among Internet-dependent persons compared to persons without this dependence.
Practical significance. The study allows us to conclude that there is a correlation between the level of gambling addiction and various indicators. The conducted segmentation of game users allows you to build individual psychotherapy with specific points of application of efforts in accordance with the degree of gaming addiction.
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