B.K. Abdulaev1, A.I. Vlasov2, T.M. Fatkhutdinov3
1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
Problem setting. Emotional manifestations play an important role in the social model of an individual's life. The analysis of his emotional state makes it possible to track the change in behavioral aspects, to assess the attitude to the events taking place. Human emotions affect cognitive processes and the quality of decisions made. Modern emotion recognition technologies are used in solving various technical and social tasks, for example, they allow automating the process of monitoring the quality of customer service of call centers, evaluating the reaction of a human operator to the impact of external factors, etc. Due to the fact that automation of the process of determining emotional reactions is becoming increasingly practical, there is a need to form an integrated approach to recognizing the emotional state of a human operator based on the results of a multi-criteria analysis.
Target. To form an integrated approach to solving the problem of recognizing the emotional state of a human operator based on the results of a multi-criteria analysis.
Results. The analysis of the most common tools for recognizing a person's emotional state is carried out: Face Reader Noldus, Emo Detect, Face Security, Microsoft Oxford Project Emotion Recognition, eMotion Software. The methods used to recognize the emotional state of a person by the expression of his face are generalized, such as the method of basic components, the Viola-Jones method, pattern comparison, the Hopfield neural network, the method based on localization of key points on the face and the method based on texture information. A solution for multi-criteria recognition of the emotional state of a human operator based on the use of neural network algorithms and deep learning is proposed. The prospects of using various variants of the implementation of emotional analyzers are shown.
Practical significance. The developed integrated approach can be used to develop various digital applications in information support systems, starting from the analysis of the psychophysiological and emotional state of a human operator (pilot, driver, etc.), ending with multimedia mobile applications for the analysis of the emotional state of the interlocutor. The trend towards remote work and self-employment makes the developed approach relevant in the field of human resource management of companies and organizations and can be useful when consulting psychologists and conducting interviews online.
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