Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Organizational theory of the distribution of the elements of consciousness formed by information and technical immunity of a system of martial arts of the East
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 004.8;681.5;24-183.4

N.V. Panov¹, I.B. Komkov², A.V. Savelyev³, N.A. Loginova4

1,4 Institute of Highest Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (Moscow, Russia); 

2 Sports Club «KANKU» (Troitsk, Moscow Region, Russia);

3 Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» (Moscow, Russia); 


The article deals with the martial arts of the East (MAE) in relation to the organizational system of A.A. Bogdanov, from the point of view of their life stability. It is necessary for the definition of MAE as an art, not a physical education and sports. It contributed to the identification of technical immunity and a strict hierarchy of these systems. It allowed us to identify MAE as a system that promotes the development of the talent of individual, forming a creative personality. It became possible to solve the problem of consciousness through a conscious choice of the desired element of the system, depending on the range of situations.

The considered MAE became a similarity of living system and an analogy of human brain. Considering an information-hierarchical structure, it was given the name “supraorganizational”, because the process of its “reproduction” and the significance of this process for the system were discovered.

The identification of MAE as a living creative structure capable of interacting with space, in order to acquire and transfer properties to influence the recipient, made it possible to define them as the basis for understanding the art, particularly fine art. Technical immunity and technical homeostasis were able to justify the emergence of the immunological android as a node in the technology of living systems between the individual and the artificial intelligence.

Pages: 43-54
For citation

Panov N.V., Komkov I.B., Savelyev A.V., Loginova N.A. Organizational theory of the distribution of the elements of consciousness formed by information and technical immunity of a system of martial arts of the East. Neurocomputers. 2021. V. 23. № 2. Р. 43−54. DOI: (in Russian).

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Date of receipt: 01.03.2021
Approved after review: 10.03.2021
Accepted for publication: 15.03.2021