Stepan A. Lapshinov¹, Vadim A. Shakhnov², Anton V. Yudin³
1, 3 Technical Education Center, SBVEI “Vorobyovy Gory” (Moscow, Russia)
2, 3 Department IU4 of Designing and Technology of Electronic Equipment, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
The paper considers the principles of intelligent motion control of mobile robots using the example of omni-wheel modules. The proposed design solution uses components of movement intelligence in any direction, receiving commands from a human operator or above a standing automatic control device, consisting of an angle of movement direction and the required distance of movement. This paper presents an embodiment of using omni-wheels to move a mobile robot over a flat surface. Features of device and application of drive with three omni-wheels in comparison with differential drive are considered. Kinematics, basic principles of motion control formation, hardware and software complex for its implementation are described. There were revealed two alternative methods of organization of drive control in conditions of shortage of low-level hardware resources on the basis of 8-bit microcontroller, their advantages and disadvantages have been analyzed. Process support and materials have been presented that allows realizing the competitive advantages of development while minimizing the cost of components. Features of mobile robot travel route development have been mentioned on the example of competitive practice.
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