A. V. Chechkin – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Corresponding Member of Academy of Technological Sciences of the RF; professor, Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces (Balashikha, Russia); Financial University under the Government of the RF (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: a.chechkin@mail.ru
M. V. Pirogov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Engineer, Lavochkin Research and Production Association (Khimki, Russia)
E-mail: pmv_mvp@mail.ru
The hard- and software (HSW) of any purpose-oriented system (PS) are parts of its broad problem area. Such HSW should be created and modified within the framework of a radical model of the problem area of PS. Radical programming (RP) is based on radical modeling. Such programming should ensure, among other things, the following: formal description of the entire problem area by means of radical schemes; implementation of radical schemes with the help of HSW; creation and development of libraries of standard radical schemes; use of radical schemes in the documentation. The technology of RP is proposed to be implemented within the framework of an automated system for planning and managing (ASPM) of PS. Such ASPM is intended for ensuring planning of functioning (behavior) of PS and also for intellectual management of all problem area of PS. Base is the excess model of the wide problem PS area presented in the form of environment of radicals here. Different types of representations of schemes of radicals of the universal RADICAL language are recommended for use. These are symbolical, geometrical and tabular representations. The RADICAL language represents the standard developing language environment of radicals. By means of the RADICAL language the objective integrity of the PS problem area is expressed. Ways of development of multilevel radical model are considered. As tool means, the ASPM of PS can be received as a result of realization by means of HSW. Means for the solution of staff tasks and also for the organization of effective attempts of the solution of non-staff tasks are provided. The typical components of the PS problem area represented in the radical model are considered. The structure of the top level of standard ASPM PS is also considered briefly. The radical model of PS has multilevel structure. The levels of the radical model are characterized by the same problem. This problem is called the main task of radical modeling of PS. The standard universal operator (process) is designed to solve the main task. This operator is called the main operator of the PS automation. Radical programming is based on radical modeling, as well as on the idea of programming lexicon of academician Ershov. In full accordance with the idea of the lexicon of programming it is proposed to create a replenished library of standard radical schemes. These schemes should be implemented using HSW. Schemes should be used in the development and modification of any program from the HSW of PS. PS are characterized by large and yet growing importance for modern society, the growth of the extent of distribution of PS and the use of HSW in them, as well as the growth of risks associated with PS. At the same time, the problem area of PS is not sufficiently studied. It is necessary to study systematically the problem area of PS and its standardization, carried out on a unified basis of radical modeling and radical programming. In practice, different kinds (variants, modes) of automation of radical programming technology are possible (and useful), differing in the degree of such automation. The practical experience of creating PS (automated systems) shows that at the beginning of such a process it is necessary to formulate simplified requirements for the future system. According to these simplified requirements, it is necessary to implement a simplified version of PS. Such a simplified version should consist, in turn, of simplified components (mathematical components, hardware components, software components, etc.) Further, the requirements for PS should be more complicated and all newer versions of PS should be implemented, approaching the final version. The principle of simplicity of the initial requirements for the future PS and the gradual complication of such requirements is typical for almost any complex PS. Therefore, the corresponding schemes of radicals should be identified, summarized and declared standard. At the same time, the specificity that takes place for one or another class of PS should be taken into account. Standardization of PS on the basis of radical modeling, radical programming and the universal language of radical schemes RADICAL is proposed, among other things, as an effective practical organizational tool. With the help of such standartization, all the means of automation can be really integrated in the life cycle of PS. The primary task of radical standardization of PS world is the task of developing the foundations of the Unified Information Standards System (EISS). Such standards should find the widest application in the entire problem area of PS.
Chechkin A.V., Pirogov M.V. Unified system of information standards for the intellectualization process of purposeoriented automated systems. Neurocomputers. 2020. Vol. 22. No. 5. P. 14–29. DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-202005-02. (in Russian)
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- Pirogov M.V, Rozhkov V.V., Fedorov E.A. Obespechenie kachestva modelirovaniya problemnoj oblasti planirovaniya kosmicheskoj s''emki na osnove primeneniya yazyka skhem radikal'nogo modelirovaniya. Nejrokomp'yutery: razrabotka, primenenie. 2017. № 7. S. 39–47. (in Russian)
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