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Journal Neurocomputers №5 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Standards of radical modeling and radical programming purpose-oriented automated systems
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-201905-05
UDC: 004.08

A.V. Chechkin – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Corresponding Member of Academy of Technological Sciences of the RF; professor of Military Academy of Strategic Rocket Forces; Financial University under the Government of the RF

E-mail: a.chechkin@mail.ru

M.V. Pirogov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Engineer, Lavochkin Research and Production Association (Khimki, Moscow region)

E-mail: pmv_mvp@mail.ru


For the intellectualization of purpose-oriented systems (PS), an ultrasystem is needed – an intelligent superstructure of the PS. This superstructure is recommended to be implemented in the form of a neurocomputer. The PS’s ultrasystem must be a distributed computing environment. Such a medium must be formed by a network of processors of two types – analog and digital processors. Operating network configurations of processors should be formed depending on the specific features of the problem being solved. This task can be both staff and non-staff. 

In the ultrasystem of the PS there are two subsystems. The working subsystem is a redundant model of the PS problem area in the standard form of the radical environment. Operating (activating) subsystem is based on specialized standard radicals – activators and regulators. Activators provide the next systemquant – working network of radicals. Regulators maintain the state of the radical environment in the norm. A brief description of the standard representation of the radical environment in the form of a semantic network is given. 

A radical model of a neurocomputer is a model in the form of a distributed database and knowledge of the PS problem area. The functioning of activators and regulators relies on the use of a distributed knowledge base. The standard structures used in the construction of the radial model are considered. To implement a radical model, a variety of hard- and software can be applied. There are no prejudiced prohibitions and restrictions. Standard information processes are considered, which should occur in the radical model. The ultrasystem of the PS performs reflexive and intellectual management of the problem area. In practice, the ultrasystem of PS can be implemented in the form of an automated system for planning and managing the PS.  The stages of the operation of such an automated system are considered. The standard radical model of the PS problem area can be represented in the form of a radical environment. To describe and work with such a model is the universal language of radical schemes RADICAL. For radical schemes, various standard representations are provided. Examples of the standard scheme of radicals in various representations are given. Standard radical schemes implemented with the help of hard- and software should be stored in the library and used for PS of different purposes. Three control stages of standardization of the radical model of the PS are considered. 

Standard schemes of radicals are needed to ensure standardization of the solution of the PS's tasks. Standard schemes should provide navigation in the environment of radicals, the allocation of the necessary radical schemes, their activation and targeted use. In the RADICAL language, such schemes are available. 

Radical environment can be activated by means of schemes representing requests of various types. A special standard scheme – the radical-activator processes the requests. The processes taking place in the radical environment during the processing of the query can be conveniently represented by transforming the vectors of the introduced geometric map of the radical schemes. The system of vectors for geometric representation of the radical environment forms the standard system of vectors of the radical model. 

In radical modeling and radical programming, conflicts are considered from the point of view of filling containers. Concerning conflicts, the standard classes of transformations of radical schemes are identified. During the life cycle of radicals in the PS problem area, there is a need for a variety of assessments. Some types of standard estimates are considered. 

Solving problems in the environment of radicals is carried out using schemes that represent methods. In particular, the methods are used to break up the original task into sub-tasks before obtaining the standard subtasks. It is of great practical importance to distinguish and study the schemes of radicals of various types in order to use the results obtained in solving problems of the PS. 

A radical model should have a standard user interface that uses different kinds of representations for radical schemes. The basic principle of the interface is the principle of a complete review of the radical model and its full availability for analysis and synthesis. To solve conflicts, a special standard method of radical modeling is intended. This method is called the bidirectional method of selecting/synthesizing the target unique – a component of the PS problem area. The basis of the bidirectional method is the excess library of standard radicals. 

The thesis about the expressive possibilities of the RADICAL language is formulated. According to this thesis, any mathematical model of any significant component of the problem area of any PS (and PS as a whole), which is described in terms of wholes, properties, relationships, events, transformations, rules, selection, activation and description of the construction of some mathematical objects with the help of other mathematical objects, can be represented by schemes of radicals. Special attention is paid to the problem of implementing radical schemes of various purposes by means of hard- and software. It is necessary to work on the standardization of hard- and software in terms of radical modeling and radical programming.

Pages: 47-66
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Date of receipt: 14 января 2019 г.