Е.А. Umryukhin – Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor, Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief of the Laboratory of Physiological Mechanisms of Intellectual Activity, Р.К. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow)
E-mail: eaumin@mail.ru
Problem statement: with the help of cybernetic models, it is possible to describe complex global brain functions, such as consciousness and solving cognitive problems. Most modern models belong to one of two types: with a detailed quantitative interpretation of the experimental data of a particular brain mechanism, for example, neural activity under certain influences, or with a description of the global functions of brain activity, for example, consciousness or cognitive processes without any quantitative interpretations.
The purpose of the work is to develop the concept of neurocybernetic modeling of brain activity based on a quantitative analysis of conscious and unconscious mental processes in solving problems.
Results: Interpretation of the phenomena of intuition and options for its implementation in solving new complex problems is considered on the basis of a model based on the principles of brain activity known in the theory of functional systems. An essential role in the proposed cybernetic model is played by the idea of the hierarchical organization of model blocks. For the activity of subsystem A, characteristic is the construction of simultaneous and multidimensional images of both perceived information and complex patterns of motor acts. An important property of subsystem A is the use of continuous types of information coding in its operation. Subsystem B, in terms of abstract images, communicates with the outside world through subsystem A. The plans for future desired results formed in subsystem B can correspond with the “I” element. The operation of subsystem B is characterized not by simultanism, but by the construction of successive combinations of symbolically expressed codes that represent possible trajectories for achieving future results. The specifics of the joint work of the subsystems A and B is manifested in the learning processes. The proposed model allows us to interpret various types of unconscious mental activity and explain the sequence of processes of intuitive solution of new complex problems.
Practical significance: The completeness of the logical information structure of the presented model allows us to expand the levels of the simulated phenomena of brain activity. Interpretation of the phenomena of intuition and options for its implementation in solving new complex problems creates the possibility of its targeted use in practical activities. The operationality of the mechanisms presented in the model makes it possible to implement them in the form of specific algorithms using computer programs.
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