350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Conceptual basis of neural-dynamics systems in the environment of modern computer mathematics
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-201902-01
UDC: 336.778

Yu. I. Nechaev – Honored Scientist of RF, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor of St.-Petersburg State Marine Technical University; International Expert in the Field of High-performance Computing and Intelligence Systems


The theoretical principles defining conceptual space of neural-dynamic models in computing circle of the modern computer mathematics (MCМ) are considered. Realization is executed within the limits of an evolutionary paradigm of intellectual technologies and high-efficiency means of processing of the information. The integrated model of this environment gives a uniform mathematical apparatus of interpretation of behaviour of difficult dynamic systems.

The special attention is turned on use of MCМ environment for sea dynamic objects (SDO) in problems of maintenance of safety of navigation and plantings of flying machines of ship basing in mode UC. The conceptual model of processing of the information in the environment of MCМ defines transformation of space of interaction on the basis of procedures of interpretation SDО in models of behaviour and management of the modern theory of accidents. The multi-modeling complex of algorithms of interpretation of evolutionary dynamics contains set of elements of system of modeling of dynamic situations, procedures of generation of decisions and development of operating influences.

Formation of logic rules is realized on the basis of fuzzy formal system (FFS) on the set interval of time. The structure of data at modeling of dynamic situations in the environment of MCМ is organized in the multiprocessor computing environment. The sequence of data processing is carried out in the form of a chain of transformation of the information: fluctuations, bifurcation, reorganization and functioning in new area of structure-attractor. This system is considered as model of “an interaction field”. The theoretical basis of a dynamic model of accidents provides the analysis of SDO behaviour in the critical modes characterizing system of interaction on a basis of fractal geometry. The area of an attraction defining movement of system to target attractor both area of loss of stability and occurrence of accident are allocated. Operating influences in these areas are formed in system of intellectual support (IS).

The model of the dynamic environment in MCМ is represented in the form of the generalized dynamic image (DI). The information model of DI is displayed in a kind of the count with a matrix of transitions between tops. As the device of the analysis of situations in the environment of SDO the matrix of strategic decisions on which basis the matrixes displaying functions of interpretation and management on the set interval of realization are under construction is used.

Multimode management of SDO behaviour in the environment of MСМ is formed. It is represented in the form of the directed set depending on complexity and uncertainty of a controllable situation. The logic of the monitoring system of SDO behaviour in the environment of MCМ is organized on base of neural-dynamic modeling within the limits of the concept of the minimum length, the theory of bifurcation managements, a method of the decision of incorrect problems, the complexity theory, synergetic theories of management and cognitive paradigms. Maintenance of functioning of MСМ environment at interaction with systems of remote experiment is realized by means of Grid-system, and integration information, algorithmic and computing a component – within the limits of “cloudy” calculations. The problem decision of neural-dynamic modeling is reached within the limits of concepts of Data Mining and Soft Computing.

Pages: 5-15
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Date of receipt: 25 декабря 2018 г.