350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Some features of background firing in the auditory brainstem neurons of the amphibian brain
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: [007:572. 788]. 001.57

N.G. Bibikov − Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Chief Research Scientist, JSC N.N. Andreev Acoustic Institute (Moscow)

E-mail: nbibikov1@yandex.ru

I.V. Makushevich − Research Scientist, JSC N.N. Andreev Acoustic Institute (Moscow) 

E-mail: iliamail@rambler.ru

S.V. Nizamov − Research Scientist, JSC N.N. Andreev Acoustic Institute (Moscow) 

E-mail: seni13@mail.ru


The spontaneous firing of a single neuron located in the auditory center of the grass frog is analyzed in detail. It is shown that this activity cannot be considered as a renewal point process. It has the signs of periodicity in analyzing the short intervals interspike distribution, but when analyzing the distribution over the whole signal duration, its quasifractal features usually could be seen. (are revealed)

Pages: 55-61
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Date of receipt: 31 июля 2017 г.