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Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Expressive opportunities of the RADICAL language - language of schemes of radical modeling for the description of standard schemes of radicals of problem area of purposeful systems
A.V. Chechkin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Corresponding Member of Technological Sciences Academу of the Russian Federation, Military Academу and the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation E-mail: a.chechkin@mail.ru M.V. Pirogov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Sector, NPO Lavochkin (Moscow) E-mail: pmv_mvp@mail.ru
Value of hard- and software for the purposeful systems (PS) quickly increases. Thus, also responsibility of hard- and software for a condition of a problem area of PS increases. Both achievements, and serious problems are characteristic of PS and of hard- and software. Cures of problems, effective, applicable in practice, are necessary. The new technology of the solution of problems of life cycle of PS is necessary. This technology has to be based on radical modeling and is focused on application of hard- and software. An important component of radical modeling is the RADICAL language - language of schemes of radical modeling. Expressive opportunities of the RADICAL language can be effectively used for the description of standard objects of a problem area of PS. Identification of such objects characteristic of problem area of PS is an important step on the way of creation of the hard- and software of new level allocated for solution of problems of PS. A key problem of PS and hard- and software of PS is the problem of ensuring the information and system security (ISS). Concept ISS is complex. The path to ISS of PS lies in intellectualization of PS. Here, the intellectualization means the ability to solve in an automated way not only staff, but also non-staff tasks. The basis of intellectualization is a formalization of the problem area of PS and application of hard- and software. Radical modeling is offered to be used for providing ISS. At the heart of radical modeling there are ideas of the academician A.P. Yershov about the Lexicon of programming and the concept of environment of radicals of A.V. Chechkin Radical modeling is a basis of radical programming. A.P. Yershov has put forward concept of the language environment and called it the Lexicon of programming. The Lexicon has phrase, semantic structure and is means of the description of subject domains. If the program is expressed by means of the Lexicon, then it contains the description of the semantics in the text. The Lexicon is the developing system. The basic concept of the concept of environment of radicals is the concept of the radical. The radical is a system with two types of states - active (the radical is included, it is used for designated purpose) and passive it (is switched off). The solution of both regular, and emergency problems of PS is carried out by means of the filled-up library of radicals. The way to ISS of PS, to intellectualization of PS is a mathematical modeling of problem area of PS. Modeling has to be carried out in the form of the uniform developing environment of radicals (radical model in the RADICAL language) and realization of designs of this language by means of hard- and software. The RADICAL language is universal language of radical modeling. Short data on this language, on his designs - schemes of radicals and about expressive opportunities of the RADICAL language are provided. Advantages of this language are considered. Problem area of PS it is investigated insufficiently. Here systematic researches are necessary. Radical modeling has to be a basis of such researches. The internal unity, a community of all PS is expressed in standard schemes of radicals. During probes such schemes have to be allocated, described in the RADICAL language, be analyzed and be implemented by means of hard- and software. Standard schemes are intended for use at the solution of problems of life cycles of various PS. Some schemes of radicals typical for PS are considered. It is expedient to develop radical modeling and radical programming, including, within the real automated systems. At the same time, for such systems gradual standardization and unification has to be carried out. It is expedient to use a concept of the standard automated system. The basic structure of such system is considered.
Pages: 30-41


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