350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №9 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Software implementation of probabilistic model of applied multi-agent system behavior
S.I. Popkov - Post-graduate Student, Computer Science Faculty, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. E-mail: rslw25@gmail.com
The article «On the approach to modeling applied multi-agent systems» presented an attempt to create the necessary ma-thematical grounds for a particular class of multi-agent systems by implementing a certain algorithm for identification of the probabilistic model parameters. To apply such algorithm for practical applications and research, the software implementation of the probabilistic model of the applied multi-agent system behavior that introduces the game interaction between a set of agents and the target has been developed. This article describes the processes lying behind such development to provide necessary information about the most expressive differences between the algorithm and it-s implementation via set of software applications. For instance, it-s necessary to specify two groups of connections representing Markov processes to describe the transition process of an agent between states as the structure for certain programming language. This article covers that problem. Software version of the model is implemented in the languages C++, Python, and Golang. The developed application provides a convenient interface for working with the parameters of the model, such as time (milliseconds per step) to determine overall velocity, quantity of agents per cell at the beginning of the model initialization, and so on. This article thoroughly describes the software implementation of the model for OS Windows. However, considered tools for compilation have been chosen in consideration of the cross-platform programming and can be used to create different versions of the application to provide the compatibility with different operating systems and platforms.
Pages: 35-44


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