350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Method of interpreting the business processes in a fuzzy temporal Petri networks
A.V. Senkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Branch of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" in Smolensk. E-mail: a.v.senkov@mail.ru M.S. Margolin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Branch of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" in Smolensk. E-mail: mikh.marg@gmail.com E.V. Sorokin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Computer Engineering, Branch of National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" in Smolensk. E-mail: scorpwork@mail.ru
Ently, the majority of large enterprises, such as PJSC «NK «Rosneft», PJSC «Gazprom», PJSC «INTER RAO UES» and others have significant experience in the formalization and standardization of business processes based on the ARIS methodology. At the same time, business processes (BP) in today\'s complex organizational and technical systems (COTS) can be characterized by: (i) significant scale implementation of a geographic, organizational and quantitative (in terms of volume the results of their implementation); (ii) unclear, contradictory and frequently changing requirements for their implementation; (iii) often ignorance implementing business processes to meet the requirements of individual actions BP and BP as a whole, and as a result of incorrect application methods, approaches, techniques and tools perform such operations. The above features of PD in COTS allow to speak about the need for a new approach to modeling and analysis of BP, based on accounting business process execution error and uncertainty of the results. Represented paper proposes a method of presentation of business processes as a Petri net, in contrast to previously proposed can be comparatively simply completed to fuzzy time Petri net. Besides, the proposed method is different interpre-tations: (i) approach to the interpretation of events and business processes functions as a network of places and transitions respectively, Petri; (ii) the possibility of integration of the optional elements of the business process: roles, blocks of information, documents and others. Interpreted by the proposed method in the Petri net business process can be used to simulate the increased load on the COTS (simultaneously run multiple instances of the business process), evaluation of the attainability of individual events business process solutions and a number of other tasks.
Pages: 34-38


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