350 rub

Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Basic concepts for situational-event calculus with many outcomes and simultaneous actions
M.M. Zernov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Branch of National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» in Smolensk. E-mail: zmmioml@yandex.ru
Situation management issues are under scope for many industrial, financial, social domains. Special models, representing sit-uational knowledge for prediction and planning tasks, are developed. Special models are good enough for their main purposes, but their logical programming implementations don-t utilize all advances of formal logical approach as flexible queries and knowledge validation. Formal theories for situations (situational and event calculus) can-t emphasize all special models abilities, such as taking simultaneous actions and actions with many outcomes into account.
Basing on nearest prototypes, some foundational concepts for new Situational-Event Calculus with Many Outcomes and Si-multaneous Actions (SECMOSA) are proposed. They exploit McCarthy-s approach to actions as external events. But ability of ac-tions/events list implementation is postulated. Another feature is that branching time is available by using special predicate, denoting situation successors as in Mueller-s Branching Discrete Event Calculus (BDEC).
For taking into account stochastic action effects, new concept - action outcome variant - is proposed. Every variant and every situation should accompany with its possibility estimate.
Events are considered about world objects and their effects are tended to be context-dependent.
Though entire SECMOSA formalism is out of scope in this paper, it will be given in following publications as many sorted 1st order theory.
Pages: 29-33
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