350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Dynamics of indicators of spatial synchronization of girls brain potentials on the perception of images
N.V. Zvyagina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physiology and Morphology Human, Institute of Natural Science and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Archangelsk). E-mail: biolzv@yandex.ru D.S. Potutkin - Post-graduate Student, Junior Research Scientist, Research Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Higher Nervous Activity, Institute of Medical and Biological Research, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Archangelsk). E-mail: d.potutkin@narfu.ru L.V. Sokolova - D.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Physiology and Morphology Human, Institute of Natural Science and Technologies, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Archangelsk). E-mail: sluida@yandex.ru
According to modern concepts, visual perception is an active mental activity, which involves providing itself a variety of specialized structures of the brain that interact with one another [1].A huge amount of visual objects: homogeneous ones with a small number of elements for fixing, aggressive objects with more uniform and repetitive elements and comfortable ones with a variety of components of different shapes and colors surrounds man in every day life. [2]. It is shown that the comfort of the image during the vision effects on the parameters of the static and dynamic parameters of the eye movement, on indicators of providing of this function by the autonomic nervous system [3]. Obviously, the system interaction of brain structures will change in the process of visual perception of images with varying degrees of comfort, but the specifics of these changes at the present stage of development of psychophysiology is understood poorly. The present research was conducted to identify the dynamics of cortical interactions in perception of images of with varying degrees of comfort perception of images. The voluntary study involved 15 women aged 18 to 23 years. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded using the hardware-software complex \"Neuron-Spectrum-5\" monopolar 16-lead symmetric established under an international scheme of \"10-20\". EEG was carried out continuously in a state of relative rest with your open eyes (background) and furher tasks were performed on the perception of different comfort image: homogenous and comfortable visual stimuli were chosen according to the classification Filin V. (2001). The recording time for each sample was 90 seconds. To identify the features of interoperability areas of the cerebral cortex in the perception of different comfort level images the maximum power of the coherence function (COG) was analysed in 120 pairs of leads, on the basic ranges of bioelectric activity (BEA): 4-8 Hz theta, alpha - 8-14 Hz, beta-LF - 14-20 Hz, beta-HF - 20-35 Hz. Statistical analysis was performed using program SPSS 22,0. Pairwise comparisons of situations (von incentives homogeneous, comfortable image) was performed using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. Differences were considered statistically significant at a value of p ≤ 0,05. The results of the analysis have shown that the perception of the homogeneous image was accompanied by a generalized desynchronization brain BEA in all studied ranges. Enhancing interoperability was revealed only at some pairs of leads with a focus in the left posterior temporal region. A different picture was found in the analysis of the COG function while the perception of a comfortable image, where the activation of cortical connections has been registered over the entire frequency range of the EEG. The greatest number of functional interactions established by the high-frequency range of beta-associative areas of both hemispheres. Also it was noted strengthening hemispheric cooperation and increasing the spatial synchronization of remote-remote areas in the cerebral cortex. A comparative analysis of changes in the COG function while the transition from the background to the perception of visual stimuli can reveal focal points to increase the interaction of cortical areas upon presentation of a comfortable image, compared to homogeneous. Locating the greatest increase in COG functions was found in the anterior associative areas for low-frequency theta and beta EEG ranges while a comfortable image have been processing . Strengthening hemispheric cooperation remotely remote parts of the cortex and with active involvement of areas associated with visual stimuli processing was identified also in the alpha and beta in the low frequency band. Probably, increase of connections in the frontal poles on the theta range, can emphasize the activation of the structures of the limbic system, which create a certain emotional background in the perception of a comfortable image i.e a picture of the landscape. In addition, the saturation of the visual image by fine detail, enabling the emotional component of the landscape painting causes increase in neural activity in the brain structures that provide not only the retention of visual attention, but also the implicit memory. Thus, the scarcity of parts and uniformity homogeneous visual environment is reflected in the dynamics of the spatial synchronization of brain BEA, for instance, sensor signal failure reduces the power and the number of connections between the brain structures of visual functional system. At the same time, the perception of a comfortable picture is associated with increase of the functional interaction in cortical neural networks and the formation of pole tricks of enhance neural activity. A variety of elements and colors of comfortable stimulus requires intense visual sensory-specific activity in the projection of the brain cortex with connection of associative areas, which contributes to more precise selection of relevant and high-quality processing of features of the considered image.
Pages: 41-43


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  2. Filin V.A. Videoehkologija. CHto dlja glaz khorosho, a chto - plokho. M.: TASS-reklama. 2001. 312 s.
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