350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Features of children-s development with different profiles of functional hemispheric assimetry in conditions of the North
N.N. Grebneva - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Chair of Defectology and Age Physiology, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy Tyumen State University. E-mail: grebnevann@mail.ru T.V. Sazanova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Defectology and Age Physiology, Tyumen State University. E-mail: sazanovat@mail.ru M.V. Smirnova - Senior Teacher, Department of Defectology and Age Physiology, Tyumen State University. E-mail: marinasmirnova1402@gmail.com
The development of children, especially in the Far North, is largely dependent on environmental and social well-being, the intensity of migration processes, a balanced diet in a cold climate, and other factors [1, 4]. According to some researchers the profile of functional hemispheric asymmetry (FHA) may appear as an indicator of human adaptation to the inadequate climate-geographical conditions. Children with signs of dominance sinistral in the lateral phenotype deserve special attention. Lleft-handed children has less manifested FHA; there are differences across the gender, and a growing number of left-handers, and ambidexterity in the Far North, which are less susceptible to disease [2, 3]. To determine the characteristics of morphofunctional development of children 5-7 years old with different lateral phenotypes. In the context of organized children\'s groups inspected 137 children aged 5-7 years (the representatives of the alien population of the Tyumen North). The method of experimental tests on the motor-sensory preference determines an individual profile of functional hemispheric asymmetry, assessed anthropometric parameters and vital capacity (VC), recorded on the integrated indicators of cardiorespiratory ECG recording system in the second standard lead. Calculates cardiac output - systolic and minute blood bulk (SBB and MBB), the body type and the intensity of growth. All inspected children were divided into 2 groups - tentatively called \"R\" ? right-handers with the prevalence of dextral signs, \"L\" ? the true left-hander, with the prevalence sinistral signs and ambidexters. Results processed by standard methods of mathematical statistics. By comparing the results of our results with the literature revealed: 1) the number of children in the \"L\" group increased compared to mid-latitudes; 2) on genetically deterministic feature - height of girls from \"L\" is higher compared to peers of the \"R\" (p <0,001), no boys differences; 3) children of both genders in the \"L\" greater than \"R\" on the weight, the volume of the chest and VC (p <0,005); 4) the difference in the values of the Index Werveke-Vorontsov (IVV) indicate the prevalence rate of growth processes at the \"L\" in comparison with the \"R\"; 5) in the study of integral indices of the cardiovascular system - heart rate and blood pressure both at rest and after exercise, the differences based on gender and belonging to a lateral phenotype have been identified, they remained within acceptable values. Analysis of individual types of circulatory system reactions to stress testing showed that prevailed in normotensive type reactions by - 61% of boys \"H\", and 65% of boys \"P\"; girls with normotensive reaction more than the boys, but their number is also little difference between \"L\" and \"R\", accounting for 74 and 75%, respectively; hypotonic type to respond to a load of 28% of boys and 19% girls \"R\" group, in the group \"L\" they were less than - 15% of boys and 14% girls. Hypertensive type reactions are less common in 11% of girls and 20% boys. Thus, the data on the morphological and functional features of development suggest a large possibilities of adaptation of migrant children in the North with a predominance of their phenotype sinistral signs.
Pages: 32-34


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