350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The application of neurocomputer in religious studies
A.Yu. Alekseev - Ph.D. (Philos.), Leading Research Scientist, Philosophy Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of Culture; Science Coordinator of research programs of the Scientific Council of Artificial Intelligence Methodology of RAS. E-mail: aa65@list.ru E.M. Voinov - HR graduat, Philosophy Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: voinov.elisey@yandex.ru
Neurocomputers in religion are applied in three forms: 1) for analysis and prognosis of social events connected with emergence, distribution, spheres of influence of religious trends. Neurocomputer basis of multi-agent systems allows to solve sociological, political, economic and other such problems efficiently. "Journal of artificial societies" JASSS is full of the examples; 2) for reproduction of neural dynamics of a believer in different states of religious mind. This direction is extremely perspective in neuro-interface projecting as it presupposes translation of religious experience in telecommunication nets; 3) for conducting psychosomatic researches, connected with modeling of the language of religious persuasion. The key moment here is focused on neurocomputer modeling of the symbol which crucially differs from traditional means of sign modeling. The sign means a notion or notion association, generally related to each other. A symbol unites several notions, dy-namically penetrating the layers of contextual values. Uniting them in such a way, a symbol can expand its semantics, being available simultaneously in different "semantic layers". Symbols are characteristic of two ways of relations: metaphoric and metonymic. Metaphor implies the connection by means of kinship, including allegory. Metonymy reflects the idea of belonging to a relationship of the whole. In the vocabulary of religious symbolism are often noticed the connections, grounded both on metaphor and metonymy. In other words, they can be marked as imitative and contagious [1, p.16]. The Voodoo doll sym-bolically resembles a victim, and at the same time has a part of a victim-s body (e.g. hair) as an attribute. So the wine, used for Communion, has two associative links: metaphoric-imitative (the color of the wine indicates to the Savior-s blood), and metonymic-contagious (the Savior-s blood in the Communion is related to the Savior himself). Let-s imagine such relations with the help of the machine of Korsakov [2], implying that principal relations of the pro-toneurocomputer are realized in the active neurocomputer projects. The example of the configuration of the machine of Kor-sakov. The projection on the pile of the IBM cards (on the left). Metaphoric and metonymic relations (on the right). Punched cards are placed vertically. The strike of the eagle in the punched card is marked with the black line and the black color. Black color stands for metaphoric relations, orange - for metonymic. Adjacent are: card 1(K1) and card 2 (K2) ? both in metonymy and metaphor, the same as K2 and K3, but their metonymic relations are different; K1, K2, K3 - metaphoric; K1, K4 - kinship related; K3, K4 - metonymic. Eagle 1 (E1) reveals metonymic relation for card 1 and card 2; E2 for K1 and K2, K3 - metaphoric; E3 for K2, K3, K4 - metonymic; E4 for K3 and K4 - metonymic. The given examples (wine and blood, Voodoo doll) from religious science are revealed through both kinds of relations - metaphoric and metonymic (K1 and K2/ K2 and K3). However, as it can be seen on Figure 1, metonymic relations can be diffe-rentiated in connection with the situation and the context, and metaphoric relations are static and are stipulated by linguistic and cultural realities. It-s worth stressing the point that the machine of Korsakov can present such relations both simultaneously and parallel, while it is impossible for an ordinary computer. Moreover, it allows differentiate the ways of relations, which is necessary for the religious studies. This work was financially supported by RHSF in grant № 15-03-00519а «Post-non-classic paradigm of artificial intellect».
Pages: 11-13


  1. Frehzer Dzh. Zolotaja vetv: Issledovanie magii i religii. V 2-kh tomakh / Per. s angl. M  Ryklina. M.: TERRA. 2001. T. 1.
  2. Alekseev A.JU. Protonejjrokompjuter Korsakova // Nejjrokompjutery: razrabotka i primenenie 2013. № 7. S. 6-17.