350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Simulation of conflicts caused by mismatch of needs and resources
V.V. Smirnov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Limited Liability Company «Skolkovo Group International» (Moscow). E-mail: vitaly_smirnov@mail.ru
The paper presents an approach to modelling of conflicts which result from mismatching of person\'s (intelligent system user\'s or agent\'s) needs and motives to the resources which are known to a person as accessible. In this paper we propose that the con-flict can only take place in the presence of the person, and that the situation is considered as a conflict only if the person himself/herself apperceives the situation as a conflict. These assumptions are in good accordance with the modern point of view on the psychology of conflict. In this paper a need is understood as perception of anything in lack or excess. The paper takes into account the resources that are necessary to satisfy needs, receive positive emotional experience and avoid negative emotional experience, and resources that a person has at the moment. We distinguish three levels of modelling of conflict situations: a level of needs, a level of motives and a level of goals. We take into account the situations in which motives are generated not by needs but emotions. We consider the following approaches to evaluation of correspondence of needs and resources: an approach based on the P.V. Simonov\'s information theory of emotions; an approach based on the algebra of emotions; and the qualimetric approach. The paper presents an approach to the modeling of situations in which an external environment has informational in-fluence on a person and this influence is apperceived by a person as requirements restricting his/her behavior, and causing conflicts.
Pages: 57-63


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