350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Application of parsing tree for increasing the frequency text analysis - result relevance
A.A. Melikhov - Assistant, Department of Intellectual Technologies and Systems (ITS), Moscow Technological University (MIREA). E-mail: megadelphin@mail.ru
The former article regards the problem of the combinatorial explosion which emerges while counting the possible word com-binations for the statistical natural text analysis. This, in turn, leads to the situation when found combinations (n-grams) are irrelevant to the topic of the text, but have very high occurrence rates. The introduced solution is based on filtering the initial n-gram dataset with a help of heuristic algorithm. This algorithm uses parsing trees for predicting the possible relevant word combinations and excludes those which do not follow the sentence-s grammatical structure. The proposed method combines standard statistical n-gram text model with precursory data filtration based on the grammar-aware heuristics. Practical study results demonstratesincrease of relevance in frequency n-gram analysis - outcome which can be explained by the significant variance between the filtered an unfiltered initial datasets. This is achieved by applying grammar-aware heuristics in the n-gram search. Due to its inner peculiarities, related to the fundamental principles of automated syntax parsing,practical implementation of the proposed method has some limitations on the computer system-s minimal performance. This feature, however, is compensated by no need in scope-related knowledge base, what makes it scope-tolerant. Thus, this method can be applied for indexing any natural language text using only a grammar model
Pages: 39-46


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