350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Round-table discussion. Part II. System integration and artificial intelligence new effects simulation
A.V. Rozhnov - Ph.D. (Eng.), V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail: rozhnov@ipu.ru
The introductory paper of monthly scientific and technical journal «Neurocomputers» special issue described intellectualization problem of the problem-oriented control systems. This article appears in the original format as a virtual youth scientific round-table discussion. The article also discusses the encyclopedic definition of such basic concepts as «bionics», «neural networks», «neuro- chip» among others. The article offers for further discussion ? «intelligence-centric control», «pre-smart infrastructure» and many others at the development of this discussion about the terms, definitions, theory and applications of artificial neural networks. Scientific collaboration will continue its work in the journal in the future. One of the most significant events of the spring of the year for professionals in the field of intelligence is the XIV Scientific Conference \"Neurocomputers and their application\", no doubt. This annual conference is being held at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (29 Sretenka Str., Moscow, Russia). A wide range of interests of participants of the event is revealed in the following sections: intelligent information systems; the theory of neural networks; signal and image processing; Neural Networks in Engineering Systems; training structures in psychology and medicine; biometric systems; Neuromathematic; bionics and robotics; characterization analysis; neurocomputing neural network and technology - a tool for gaining new scientific knowledge; Neurophilosophy, and the \"round table\", of course. Advanced in this subject area magazine «Neurocomputers: Development and Application» is focused on the coverage of the development and application of advanced intelligent systems and technologies. It has a distinct value for the study on the in- tellectualization of monitoring critical socio- technical environments at the event of escalation and emergency situations. Intelligent Information Systems and Technology (Neuromathematic and intelligent computing; Methods and models of self-organization and intellectualization of complex systems; Multi-agent systems and cognitive neural network technologies; Knowledge based systems; Intelligent technologies in control of dynamic systems; Evolutionary modeling: strategies and al- gorithms), Neurocomputing (Neurophysiological models of neural networks; Theory of neural networks, neuro-fuzzy models and net- works; Neurocomputing in systems of signals and images processing; Quantum neurocomputers, nanotechnology and neuro- chips; Neurocomputing in genetics, chemistry and bioinformatics; Cybernetics of alive: XXI Century), Applied Issues of Neuroscience and Artificial Intellect by Industries (Design of intelligent systems and their software imple- mentation; System integration and hybrid intelligence, interdisciplinary aspects; Intellectualization of robotic complexes, sys- tems and interfaces; Biometric identification systems, smart-technologies; Applied problems in neuroscience psychology and medicine; Neuroscience and society: from neuroeconomics and social networking to the philosophy of the intellect), and in addition perspectives of usage of neurocomputers and intelligent technologies, information, historical researches in the field of intelligence, academic schools, personalities.
Pages: 3-11


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