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Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Short biographic summary of the author of an article - Self-organization of program systems based on artificial chemistry-s models?
E.A. Kol-chugina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Penza State University. E-mail: kea_sci@list.ru
In this article we consider the possible types of the self-organization processes within the program systems. The term self-organization has different meanings in modern scientific literature. That is why we should discuss the different approaches to the definition of the self-organization and refine the meaning of that term. Also different approaches to definition of the self-organization mechanism are regarded here. The model of self-organizing program system considered here is based on the principles of artificial chemistry. According to this model, any individual independent program could be presented as a set of the interrelated functions. These functions can be seen as analogues of chemical reactions, which are described as data transformations performed according to the given algorithms. The aim of whole such program is to function as long as it is possible, and the functioning is seen as analogue of thermodynamical nonequilibrium.
Pages: 77-83


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