350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Information in the information era
O.E. Backsanskiy - Dr.Sc.( Philos.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Philosophy Institute of RAS. E-mail: obucks@mail.ru
Any real interaction of living beings including the person with world around is assumed by use of information on this world as means of regulation and management of behavior that provides adequate relationship and adaptation to reality conditions. The corresponding activity is integrally connected with use of information which acts as an indispensable condition and the prerequisite of this activity. In order that process of exchange of information between objects was adaptive and adequate to reality from the point of view of behavioural activity, observance of a number of conditions is necessary. If to consider it on the example of information transfer by means of oral speech, it is possible to see that this process multicomponent, that is vector. The first a component - physical, assuming existence of a physical source of a sound, the physical environment of its distribution and the physical receiver. The second a component - alarm, that is it is amplitude also frequency-modulated fluctuations. The third a component - linguistic: it is necessary that a source of information and the recipient knew at least one common language. The fourth a component - semantic, that is at the transferred message there has to be a substantial description of object or the phenomenon that when obtaining the message its mission, adequate sense was clear for a host. At last, the fifth a component - pragmatical: existence of desire (motivation) to transfer and accept the message is necessary. Summarizing stated, it is possible to tell that the facts aren't really independent of the observer, his preferences. Nevertheless, during any concrete era in any concrete culture the most part of observers reaches consent in their treatment. In other words, the knowledge of the facts is with what most of observers agree. The person perceives the world only so far as it already created system of the concepts and representations relating to various volumes, the phenomena and to processes of surrounding reality. And these representations arise thanks to "hypothetical realism" from the point of view of detection of some regularity in the phenomena surrounding us, creation of assumptions that has to occur, and the subsequent check of conclusions real events.
Pages: 8-15


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