350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
On the possible physical nature of the R. Sheldreyk-s morphogenetic field
V.D. Tsygankov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Corresponding Member of the IIA, Gr.Ph.D IAIT, Chief Science of the SCE BIOMEDIS (Moscow) E-mail: embrion10@list.ru
For the synthesis of living matter is important, first of all, which means «living protein», and secondly, how it morphogenesis is made under what laws, and how this organized in space and time of living matter. Morphogenesis is an inherent part of life for both the authors [1], [2], indeed. R. Sheldrake offered an interesting «hypothesis of formative causation» (HFC), according to which the cause of the driving and organizing force morphogenesis of living matter are the morphogenetic field (MF) of the embryo or embryo of the final future form of the living system and the principle of morphic resonance (MR). The author of a new life sciences has not the explanation of the physical nature of HFC, MF and MR, and in our virtual neurocomputer «EMBRYO» [3] the morphogenesis processes virtual electronic neural network of the brain actually occur, such as those described by R. Sheldrake.So, we will try to give a physical interpretation below or an explanation of the nature of the causal mechanisms and hypothesis of formative causation, morphogenetic field and morphic resonance.
Pages: 12-18


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