350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The application of the multi-alternative approach in intelligent systems: active neural network models
S.L. Podvalny - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Automated and Computer Systems, Voronezh State Technical University E-mail: spodvalny@yandex.ru E.M. Vasiljev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Automation and Informatics in Technical University, Voronezh State Technical University E-mail: vgtu-aits@yandex.ru
The article deals with the construction of intelligent systems based on artificial neural networks. There have formal grounds the use of neural networks. We discuss the properties of non-compliance of artificial neural networks and their biological counterparts. Artificial neural networks have the property retrained, and storing in natural neural networks is cumulative and selective. Artificial neural networks are characterized by low generalizing properties, but the biological neural networks have high recognition ability \"private-general\". The artificial network is the problem dimension parameters, in natural prototypes unlimited memory. The main cause of these discrepancies - structural immutability neural network models in the learning process, that is, their passivity. These shortcomings lead to undeserved discredit of artificial neural networks. It is proposed to proceed to the construction of the active, reconfigurable neural networks. Construction of active neural networks is possible on the basis of biological principles multi-alternative: multilevel, diversity, modularity. Multilevel principle is realized in living organisms in several hierarchical levels of control. The principle of diversity is the reconfiguration of the structures and the algorithms. The principle of modularity is the discrete nature of the system structure, with elements of the system can re-combine. A particular method of implementation of these principles, which uses faceted organization in memory and reconfi-gurable neural network, active structure. Faceted memory organization allows to combine network and hierarchical organization of data in the neural network. In every facet of memory external event corresponds to one ensemble of neurons. At the same time memorizing a new event by simply adding a new ensemble. The new ensemble of neurons embedded in the existing structure of the neural network, and existing ensembles are not changed. As a result, the organization facet of memory allows you to build active neural networks with reconfigurable structure. An example of the implementation of the neural network of the active facet of intellectual type electrical distribution system control system. In the event of a critical situation in the system (short circuit or open circuit) are excited by the respective assemblies of neurons. In the aggregate excited ensembles formed by the output of the neural network. This output signal switches off the damaged area, or includes the necessary back-up line. Thus, the use of multi-alternative principles allows you to build a neural network with reconfigurable structure, eliminates the difficulty of retraining, and provides high generalizing ability of artificial neural networks.
Pages: 49-58


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