350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №10 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Spoofing resistant encoding information in radio channels with active analyzer
A.A. Petlevanniy - Post-graduate in a Military College, Krasnodar Higher Military School named after S.M. Shtemenko E-mail: t911sr@mail.ru O.A. Finko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Krasnodar Higher Military School named after S.M. Shtemenko E-mail: ofinko@yandex.ru
This paper presents different approaches of prevention of false data entry that is processed in modern packet radio networks. Gradually discusses three protocols that describe the sequence of actions to be taken by the sending and receiving parties, and their analysis from the point of view of the analyst. In the first protocol proposes to use gamming cipher - method of crypto-graphic protection of information used in this paper, however, is not to ensure the confidentiality of data. It shows how to com-bine the strengths of encryption and jamproof signal coding implemented in the error-control equipment (ECE), working at the data link layer of the OSI model existing packet radio networks. The analysis of the first protocol shows that in pure form design is not applicable - analyst can construct an algorithm of breaking the proposed protection. Due to this, a second protocol was of-fered that allows to go from guaranteed breaking of protection systems by the analyst to probability breaking. In consequence of the analysis was obtained the obvious estimated probability of success simulative actions of the analyst. Presented a numerical example that simulates the sequence of actions of the analyst to simulate the system based on the Hamming code [7, 4, 3], us-ing the methods of linear algebra on the example of constructing a fundamental system of solutions relative to the set of va-riables unknown gamma. There were described jamproof codes suitable for use in conjunction with the proposed method of cryptographic protection of information. For the purpose of further enhance the degree of protection is given to the consideration of the third protocol, the analysis of which is carried out by the authors at the present time. In consequence given the conclu-sions of the research topic, provides a new challenge for further research in this subject area.
Pages: 13-21


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