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Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The model of system of monitoring of controlled objects of the control point management
A.M. Vinogradenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Academy of communications (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: Vinogradenkoao@rambler.ru
The article is devoted to the study of monitoring of technical state of exploited systems and communication facilities. The aim of the research is to develop a system of monitoring of controlled objects. The main objectives are increasing the efficiency of signal transmission and noise immunity to ensure the required bandwidth and the reliability of the transmitted information on the communication line. The increasing complexity of deployed systems and facilities installed on these devices, as well as the dynamics of their work lead to the need for timely monitoring of their condition. This is necessary for operational control of combat readiness, automation of the experiment and, overall, ensuring maintenance and repair of equipment communications and automated control systems.Multichannel telemetric system comprises three subsystems: subsystem of data acquisition and signal conditioning on the limit States of controlled objects; subsystem means and communication lines and the Supervisory control subsystem. The first subsystem of the telemetry system consists of sensors and controllers that register the parameters of the signals and their comparison with the permissible limits. The service requests are packets of information symbols generated at the output of the measuring sensors in the case of the output value of the controlled process value outside the specified tolerances. The intensity of such applications is determined by the number of sensors, the temporal characteristics of controlled random processes and the number of established tolerance levels for each process. Gives a description of the process of withdrawal of the measuring information about the state of the monitored objects, subject to the priority replacement (service), a failed electronic module of this object. The priority of a service request coming from the sensors is determined by the growth dynamics of controlled object parameters to set the tolerance, which enables to predict the priority of incoming requests. The specific construction and operation of existing telematics systems can be considered as a Queuing system, where the role of the serving elements are the communication channels that ensure the maintenance of the application within a certain time proportional to the duration of transmission of the message over the communication channel.Presents the results of modeling the processes of multiplexing in telemetry system, methods of theory of mass service. In the event of a temporary seal line is a single-channel Queuing system, as packets of information are placed in the queue and not circular. It was determined that the temporary division of channels in a multichannel telemetry system is a process service time areas transmitted the measurement information in the single-channel queueing system with refusals.Presents graph of the first telemetry subsystem of the modeled system that shows the state of the monitored facilities at which the service requests of different priorities. It features four state of the controlled object: normal (no bids), predopredeleno (service applications low priority), ultimate (service requests of higher priority is received during service applications low priority) and emergency (the service requests of higher priority). It was determined the dependence of the minimum value of the duration of an information symbol, the allowable error probability of reception of messages, the set values of the power signal with a message item, and the spectral density of fluctuation noise.The analysis of the architecture of the building modern communications, from which the efficiency of delivery of messages about the ultimate limit state or failure is the speed of delivery of the measuring information to the control point of control and decision making. The presented strategy group poll (polling) of controlled objects, is able to solve the problem of successive survey taking into account requests for services of different priorities. The algorithm of work of subsystem Supervisory control, telemetry systems, displays the sequence of actions performed by the subsystem Supervisory control, namely: collecting telemetry data from the monitored objects, the analysis of the obtained values according to their priority (their comparison with given threshold (critical) values for each of the observed parameters), decision making for each individual unit monitored object, as well as duplication of all critical information on the media.The implementation of this algorithm based on neural network control element of which is control room management.Simulated the monitoring system will allow real-time monitoring of large groups of communications technology, to enhance not only the efficiency in identifying the limit States of controlled objects (devices), but the rate of replacement of relevant electronic modules using the system monitor the status of all three subsystems of a telemetry system.
Pages: 65-72


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