350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The moral of the brain unmanned aircraft (the drone) and military robot
V.D. Tsygankov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Corresponding Member of the IAI, Chief Science of the SCE BIOMEDIS, (Moscow). E-mail: embrion10@list.ru
On the basis of analysis of current trends in robotics the number of conclusions about the need to improve collective relations ro-bots are made. For a radical solution to the problem, based on numerous theoretical, experimental research and engineering de-velopments of the author, it is concluded that the need to go to solve the fundamental problems and specific ways this are pro-posed. They are the following: 1. The moral man, animal and autonomous robot (UAV) is impossible without consciousness. 2. The moral may be individual and social. 3. The material substratum of consciousness may be the physical atoms and neurons are composed from atoms, molecular and all the brain morphological structures of the brain. 4. Physical structure: the atoms, molecules, and neurons are generators virtual network coherent structures in the form of electromagnetic fields mitogenic of A.G. Gurvich. 5. Virtual neurocomputer may be material to the substrate placement or detection of a consciousness or mind. Solving the problem of creating an artificial intelligence (AI) lies in the knowledge of the brain, in neuroscience and psychology (NBIKS). As a result, the analysis of the above physical problems was revealed that the concept of virtualization in general and the con-cept of virtualization LabView FPGA should be the base for the creation of high-performance hardware in the future perspective of neuro-computers and neural devices such as \"virtual brain\".
Pages: 40-51


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