350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Neuroprocessor characteristic of neuronic dendrites simulation and system solution of the distal synapses problem
I.S. Bryantcev - Master\'s Degree, Moscow City Pedagogical University. E-mail: kolbasa-90@list.ru V.V. Kolushov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of «Нigher mathematics», Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Ufa). E-mail: KVV@ufanet.ru M.A. Ryazanov - Ph.D. (Phis.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Calculation mathematics and cybernetics, M.V. Lomonosov\'s Moscow State University. E-mail: ryazanov@cs.msu.su A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» www.patenttt.narod.ru, Research coordinator of the symposium \"Neyrophilosophy\" (Moscow). E-mail: gmkristo@rambler.ru
In the paper the problem of the effectiveness of distal dendritic synapses stimulated more jobs of S. Ramon-y-Cajal was con-sidered. It is noted that the effectiveness of distal synapses at electrotonic propagation of excitation or inhibition should decrease at least exponentially. The degree of branching dendrion real biological neurons and its possible impact on the efficiency of distal synapses were analyzed. Conclusions about the lack of participation dendrion as coincidence detector in strengthening local postsynaptic potentials and dendrion signal propagation were made. In this connection the completely different mechanism for this was supposed. Hypothesizes were tested by simulating methods and by comparison with experimental data. The results made it possible to explain a number of unexplained neurophysiological effects to this day and, therefore, to build of neuroprocessors series based on these principles. The problem of distal synapses can be solved on the basis of allegations about self-organization by neuron their functions. Neuron performs fine-tuning nature of synaptic responses depending on the electrical state of their own, exercising overall control of the self-regulating distal synapses. The nature of this regulation is defined as the particular situation of synapses on the distal end of the dendrite that is, the distance to the trigger zone of the axon hillock, and the degree of activation of the current and accumulated hyper- or depolarization. Appropriate regulation distal synapses correlates with the density of their distribution on the dendrite, diameter changes along the dendrite length and the geometric configuration, and also as a result of its change in neuronal plasticity during its operation. To date, only by considering self-organization control of functions distal synapses can be explained by their relatively uniform density distribution along the length of the dendrite. This work was financially supported by RFH in grant № 15-03-00519а «Post-non-classic paradigm of artificial intellect».
Pages: 20-32


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