350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The mechanism of improving of the workflow system analysis
B.N. Bezdenezhnykh - Dr.Sc.( Psyhol.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Psycho-physiology, Psychology Institute of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: bezbornik@mail.ru
The method of quick typing of sentence with one finger and with random interruption of this behavior allows us to analyze the interaction between successive actions of behavior. The successive actions in such form of typing are the quick and accurate actions. Every such action starts with saccadic eye movement (SEM) on key (letter) and ends by quick pressing this key. On the basis of our own data and data of other authors it is asserted that just before SEM there is afferent synthesis (AS). During AS the connection between systems which will support quick and accurate action take place and subjects realize their action. The results of our experiments allow us to make next conclusions.1) Each action begins against completion of previous action in the form of AS, that is synchronous activities of the neurons belonging to all systems which shall subserve this action. 2) Subjects (Ss) control (realize) action during its AS only. 3) During AS when the active neuronal systems of preceding and planning actions overlapped, the neuronal systems of planning action dominate. 4 ) In the process of repetitive typing Ss improve their behavior. Improvement consists in disappearing of SEMs on some letters and Ss press them against the backdrop of a fixed gaze on a letter to be pressed later. That is, in the process of improving skills the AS of some actions disappeared - differentiation of activity, and remains systems are connected with the systems during AS of the next action which is common for these actions - integration of new activity. 5) After erroneous typing the disappeared SEM were restored and Ss begin to control the typing of every letter again.
Pages: 15-19


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