350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of the effect of the choice of activation functions of the performance of the multi-layer perceptron
W.A. Al-Haidri - Post-graduate Student, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology, Vladimir State University. E-mail: fawaz_tariq@mail.ru R.V. Isakov - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology, Vladimir State University. E-mail: Isakov-RV@mail.ru L.T. Sushkova - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, The Head of Biomedical and Electronic Systems and Technology Department, Vladimir State University. E-mail: ludm@vlsu.ru
Artificial neural networks (ANN) are a set of models of biological neural networks connected by a synaptic connection. The network processes the input information and the process of changing its state by time generates a set the output signal [1]. There are various models of neural networks (ANN), the most famous of which is the multilayer perceptron (MLP), which has great potential for solving various problems. Thanks to its stable capacity and simple design, it has been widely used in various applications. However, in some cases, the MP can not provide a good solution, which may be due to the wrong choice of architecture, the initialization of weights or selecting data. Another factor that affects the learning process is the choice of transfer function (activation function) [3]. The purpose of this paper is a comparative analysis of the impact of the most common and frequently used activation functions on the result of MP used in electrocardiographic (ECG) artifacts detection.
Pages: 60-66


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