350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The ternary mathematical calculator
S.S. Shevelev - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Chair of the Pulpit Protection to Information and Communications Network, South-West State University (Kursk). E-mail: schewelew@mail.ru E.Yu. Doroshenko - Post-Graduate Student, Chair of the Pulpit Protection to Information and Communications Network, South-West State University (Kursk). E-mail: metallbublick@mail.ru Hla Win - Post-graduate Student, Chair of the Protection to Information and Communications Network, South-West State University (Kursk). E-mail: hlawin85@gmail.com
Questions are considered in article on development high-speed, large powered evaluator, executing arithmetical operations: adding, subtraction, multiplying and fission numbers in ternary system of the numeration (reckoning). Follows to note the simplicity of the execution arithmetical operation, truncation numbers is executed by simple casting-out younger category. Senior determined numeral of the number is a sign of the ternary code. The Ternary symmetrical subtraction numbers is reduced to adding chi-sowed; sown, but subtrahend will is presented in ternary inversion i.e. will be translated in inverse code. The Operation of the multiplying is executed on algorithm. The Multiplying on zero gives the zero, multiplying on 10 repeats the icand, multiplying on 01 inverts the icand. The Operation of the fission is reduced to shift of the divisor and his(its) subtraction from duplicated done. The Evaluator on neuron contains: block of the entering and coding numbers, which is intended for entering binary numbers , sign bit numbers and opcode. The Block of the summation contains the three categories summers. The Binary summers execute the function of the summation input numbers and determinations younger and senior bit of the carrying. The Result of the summation input numbers are younger and senior bit of the amount, as well as younger and senior bits carrying. The Blocks register first and second numbers contains the binary triggers, and logical elements I. In these block is kept bits input numbers. Bits of the result is kept In block of the register of the result. The Controller controls functioning(working) the arithmetical evaluator. The Ternary computers possess beside advantage in contrast with binary, they have greater capacitivity to memories and greater specific power of the processor. The Sign of the number is defined senior determined by numeral of the ternary presentation.
Pages: 32-36


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