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Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Training of the simplest nervous system, the mechanism of usefulness and evolution of the nervous system from simple to higher organisms
V.N. Shumilov - Researcher, International Laboratory, National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk). E-mail: vnshumilov@rambler.ru I.V. Shumilov - Student, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Kiev). E-mail: illya.shumilov@gmail.com V.I. Syryamkin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of the Department of «Quality Management», Director of Research and Education Center «Recognition: navigation, diagnostics, mechatronics» of National Research Tomsk State University (Tomsk). E-mail: egs@sibmail.com
We propose very simple principle of the self-formation of memory traces (resulting from external stimuli), in the form of long-term connections between neurons and further functioning of these connections. These connections are self-established. They emerge locally, without whatsoever external control. They are formed between the excited neurons engaged in some response of organism to exciting them stimuli (reaction in the form of motion, secretion etc.). These connections are formed between contacting neurons and can be galvanic, biochemical, or any other connection. The logic of their operation is not dependent on the specific implementation of connections. The excitation of one of the connected neurons N1 through previously formed connection subsequently leads to the excitation of another neuron N2 connected with the first one. How such an excitation of the second neuron not by direct stimulus but through the formed in the previous episode connection with excited neuron can be useful for the survival of the organism - The point is neurons are initially excited by some factors more or less harmful to the organism. And between excited contacting neurons the connection could be formed, i.e. the memory trace. Suppose that in an episode of self-formation of connection between two neurons one of them, H1, was excited by less dangerous factor F1 (smell). The other neuron, H2, was later excited by another, more dangerous factor F2 (burning). Excitation of neurons lasts for some time, so that the connection H1-H2 between neurons can be formed between the events that are not simultaneous, but close in time. In addition, all events that occur in nature are linked into the cause-and-effect chains. So that as a rule after the event A a whole chain of events B, C, D, E .... follows. Therefore, in the second and subsequent episodes the excitation of the first neuron immediately causes the excitation of the second neuron N2 through the formed earlier connection N1-N2. The excitation of the neuron N2 will lead to the organism\'s response to absent dangerous factor F2. So that the organism is to react to the appearance of dangerous factor F2 in advance, as if it anticipated its appearance! And the organism avoids adverse effect of F2 thanks to simple one-step forecast based on connection, i.e. memory trace formed in the previous episode and reflecting the coincidence in time of factors F1 and F2. «Anticipation», prediction based on previous experience is the essence of the usefulness of the nervous system for the organism. Evolution as a result of mutations in billions of previous generations, the disappearance from the arena of life of mutated organisms less fit and the expansion of more fit to that time conditions ultimately led to the emergence and proliferation of organisms with the nervous systems that contributed to the survival and expansion of organisms. First, in the course of evolutionary mutations the organisms with simplest nervous systems consisting of several neurons conducting stimuli from the receptor to the manipulator randomly appeared. And then, after many generations, as a result of gradual increase in the number of neurons that favored better survival of the organism, higher animals appeared with developed nervous systems capable of not only one-step forecasting, but also of the multi-step forecasting. And then it led to a full-scale thinking, practically representing multi-step multi-factorial forecasting based on self-formed connections between neurons of the brain.
Pages: 94-96


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