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Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of neuroexperiment and neurophilosophy is basis of neuroscience
E.V. Loseva - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Principal Scientist, Lab. of Functional Neurocytology, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: losvnd@mail.ru
Neurophilosophy is this reflection of scientists about work of a nervous system, foremost, cerebrum, about processes of educating, memory, thinking and consciousness. But these reflections must be based on vast actual experimental material accumulated by humanity in many generations of scientists. It is experimental data about cerebration of man and animals in a norm and at pathology have were obtained on different levels - behavioral, structural-functional, biochemical, electro-physiological, molecular-genetic etc. A scientist formulates hypothesis at planning of any scientific experiment, which based on the results of predecessors researches, including on own previous data. A primary purpose of this experiment is prove this hypothesis. Since a hypothesis is well-proven or refuted, on the basis of the data obtained in this process, a scientist formulates next supposition or hypothesis that he or other experimenters will check in the future. Self on itself hypothesis formulating is work of a scientist thought, based on experimental data that is the process of cognition of the surrounding world that is the basic task of philosophy. Some scientists are able to analyze the great number of the experimental facts that have been obtained by different people, and on the basis of these data to work out a theory, that is studies, leaning against that it is possible to cognize and develop this knowledge branch, doing all new and new experiments. There are genius minds that can offer hypotheses and create theories and conceptions, passing ahead the state of modern to them science far, but even they are based on the experimental facts that have been obtained by their predecessors and contemporaries. And many generations of future scientists will prove or refute these genius ideas. That is, any scientific thought follows from a scientific experiment and is proved by them. Same neuroexperiments are related closely to the reflections of scientists about work of a nervous system, with formulating by them hypotheses and by creation of neuroscientific theories i.e. with neurophilosophy. Consequently, alliance of neuroexperiments and neurophilosophy is basis of neuroscience in wide sense of word. Supported by RFBR grant Psychophysiological bases of the formation of individual experience under visual deprivation in ontogenesis № 15-06-06925 а.
Pages: 53-55


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