350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Dynamical change of the perceiving properties of convolutional neural networks as training with noise and its impact on generalization
R.M. Nemkov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, North-Caucasus Fed-eral University (Stavropol). E-mail: nemkov.roman@yandex.ru
O.S. Mezentseva - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, North-Caucasus Federal University (Stavropol). E-mail: mos@ncstu.ru
In the article a new approach to the creating of noise by the changing of receptive fields (RF) is researched.
In the article the theoretical moments of this way and peculiarities of program realization are described. The quality of generalization ability of this method to create of noise is researched. There are comparative characteristics of generalization errors in this article.
The problem of invariance is the main and yet unsolved problem of pattern recognition. The different ways of noise are used for the pur-pose to solve this problem. If some internal properties of convolutional neural network (CNN) are changed, for example RFs, then we will obtain the new approach to the creating of noise.
In the article describes the theoretical moments connected with the creating of noise by changing the RFs. The place of proposed way in the range of noise creating is pointed out. The high compatibility of this approach with practically any ways of noise is told about. It is paid attention to some tie between the changing of form RF and the real plasticity of RF in biological systems.
In this article shortly describes some not trivial moments which can be difficult for programming.
This technology is applied to MNIST (standard data set for handwritten digits). Initial conditions of net-s learning, net-s architecture, used algorithm, pools of RFs, the strategies of markup of convolutional layers and etc. are described. The obtained generalization error (1.1%) is compared with error by training without noise and with other errors by using other networks and algorithms. The conclusion for generalization ability is made. Generalization abilities of different scheme of distortion are compared. The conclusion is that the successive distortions on different convolutional layers are more effective than distortion on input layer.
Pages: 12-19
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