350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The process of memorizing of numeric value of main characteristics of stimulus - in human sensory systems
M.A. Stefanovich - Engineer, (Sankt-Petersburg)
At perception of sound signal auditory system memorizes information about frequency and intensity of tone signal; at perception of simple geometrical figures visual system memorizes information about linear sizes and situation of figures on the retinal projection. The process of memorizing of numeric information about the main characteristics of auditory stimulus and visual stimulus occur according on projection of cochlea frequency scale and on retinal projection. The information about frequency and intensity of tone sound signal is memorized according to ordinal number of auditory neuron that innervates IHC with the greatest RP. Information about the length at perception of simple geometrical figures is memorized according to coordinates X and Y of sensory neurons situated in typical points of the figure on the retinal projection. Characteristic points for the piece of straight line are: the beginning (X1 and Y1), the end (X2 and Y2) and the middle (X0 and Y0); characteristic points for a circle are: two points with minimum coordinates related to the axis Xmin and axis Ymin and two points with maximum coordinates Xmax and Ymax. Groups of sensory neurons which are situated in a strict order make the projection of cochlea frequency scale and retinal pro-jection. At perception of auditory or visual stimuli discharge rate increases in neurons that are situated in the definite points of projection depending on stimulus - characteristics. It-s full (sufficient) condition for providing possibility to feel changes of frequency in sound signal or changes of simple geometrical figures length with the real resolution ability. For example, auditory system memorizes audible pitch of tone as a number (N0) corresponding to linear coordinate of IHC with the greatest RP concerning to apex of cochlea. At perception of tone with the frequency 440 Hz number N0 corresponds to 642; at perception of tone with the frequency 880 Hz number N0 corresponds to 1135. A subject hears the tone with another (different) pitch when minimum change of ordinal number N0 it is more than 6 points. Human visual system can use numeric value of coordinates of characteristic points for recognition of line or of figure type. For example, for a vertical line X1 = X0 = X2; for a horizontal line Y1 = Y0 = Y2; for an inclined line (X0 - X1) = (X2 - X0) and (Y0 - Y1) = (Y2 - Y0). Number information about coordinates of sensory neurons with the increased discharge rate is read in from the projection as binary code and is transmitted into a memory block. When necessary to use the memorized information is transmitted to virtual projection and is realized as the excitation appropriate sensory neurons.
Pages: 35-40


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