350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The significant aspects in the specific vision deficit phenomenon
G.S. Voronkov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Scientific Researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: av13675@yandex.ru
The paper presents the results of the ongoing study of the specific vision deficit phenomenon (SVD), earlier described by the author (Воронков, 2014; 2015). The gist of the described phenomenon is the sensation of seeing the dark SVD patch (SVDp) in the small hole on the lumen; in the condition that of the best vision, when approaching the hole to the eye, in SVDp it becomes possible to identify three major components: one resembling the arachnoid plexus, and two kinds of inclusions, static and dynamic. Some perception properties of the static and dynamic inclusions in SVDp indicate their dependence on an internal factor - the features of the most perceiving system. At the same time, the question: whether the arachnoid plexus perception depends on an internal or solely on the external factor, i.e. the wave characteristics of the light, was left open. The paper provides additional arguments in favor of the intrinsic factor as the main defining features of perception of all SVDp including the arachnoid plexus. This argument is found in the fact that there are sources of light without the rim (SWR), which creates patch (SWRp) similar to SVDp by perception features. The paper also attempts to identify those formations of the eye (and the fine structures in them) the shadows from which creates the SVDp pictures on the retina. This, presumably, the lens, the vitreous body and the Cloket channel. One part of the properties of SVDp perception is similar to the properties of the world picture (WP) perception, while the other one is similar to the perception properties of the stabilized images on the retina (SIR). Similarity and dissimilarity with the WP perception are accordingly in the fact that, on the one hand, SVDp as and WP does not move in space together with the gaze shift of; on the other hand, SVDp rotates together with the rotation of the retina, whereas the WP in this case does not rotate. Similarity and dissimilarity with the SIR perception are respectively expressed, in the fact that, on the one hand, SVDp as SIR, rotates together with the rotation of the retina, on the other, SVDp does not shift displaced in space with displacement of the gaze, whereas SIR shifts along with the gaze. In addition, SVDp, unlike SIR, does not disappear for an arbitrarily long period of observation, whereas the SIR life time is measured in seconds. The paper presents the notion explaining this complicated set of properties of SVDp perception, and his psychophysiological, neurophysiological and medical aspects are discussed; as well as it shows the significance of the study of SVD phenomenon in all three aspects. According to this view, the vision sensations of SVDp and WP (with SIR) are created by the central structures that occupy hierarchically different levels in the visual pathway. The paper has shown the possibility to use the SVD phenomenon at the diagnosis of abnormalities in the functioning of the hidrodynamic system of the eye.
Pages: 8-15


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