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Journal Neurocomputers №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Problem of joint scheduling of aperiodic tasks and real-time tasks with admissible standard constraints derived from original linear interval constraints
real-time tasks
fixed priority scheduling
aperiodic requests
standard timing constraints
linear interval constraints
M.V. Kavalerov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: mkavalerov@gmail.com
N.N. Matushkin Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics,
Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: mnn@pstu.ru
In the development of information and control systems, as real time systems, real-time scheduling techniques are applied to improve efficiency in the use of computational resources. In particular, more efficient scheduling of real-time tasks can make more stringent timing constraints to be met on a given hardware of an information and control system.
In the case of complex information and control systems, it is necessary to provide efficient joint scheduling of aperiodic tasks and real-time tasks with standard constraints which are derived according to conditions of admissibility and on the basis of original linear interval constraints. Standard constraints are expressed with period, deadline and offset.
Information and control systems are usually implemented on the basis of real-time computational tasks. Each task has a timing constraint imposing requirements on the process of execution of requests which are released by this task. Previously, an approach to scheduling of tasks having linear interval constraints has been developed for fixed priority scheduling framework. This approach can significantly improve the efficiency of computational resources utilization. The next obvious step in this approach is to solve the problem of joint scheduling of real-time hard tasks, having linear interval constraints, and aperiodic tasks. The set of aperiodic tasks produces the set of aperiodic requests, and, at this level of abstraction, a single stream of aperiodic requests is considered. Generally, there are many ways to transform a task with linear interval constraint to a task with admissible standard constraint. But the parameter values of standard constraint can significantly affect the efficiency of joint scheduling of hard real-time tasks and aperiodic requests. It is therefore important to choose the right transformation of original linear interval constraint to admissible standard constraint. However, the article shows that generally there is no optimal methods for transformation of linear interval constraint to admissible standard constraint on the criterion of minimizing the average response time of aperiodic tasks across the entire range of possible processor utilization by these aperiodic tasks. One of possible solutions of this problem is to dynamically choose one of the admissible standard constraints according to the current workload of aperiodic requests.
Pages: 3-9
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