350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Neurophysiological methods for the diagnosis of certain forms of professional neurointoxications
E. V. Katamanova - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Ph.D. (Med.), Professor, Deputy Chief Physician Hospital of Federal State Budget Institution, «ESSC HE» SB RAMS (Angarsk). E-mail: krisla08@rambler.ru O. I. Shevchenko - Ph.D. (Biol.), Researcher Scientist, «ESSC HE» SB RAMS (Angarsk). E-mail: oich68@list.ru O. L. Lakhman - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Ph.D. (Med.), Professor, Chief Physician Hospital of Federal State Budget Institution, «ESSC HE» SB RAMS (Angarsk). E-mail: LAKHMAN_O_L@mail.ru I. M. Eschina - Neurologist, Sanatorium «Spring» OC «Rosneft» (Angarsk). E-mail: irinastal@mail.ru D. V. Rusanova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Researcher Scientist, «ESSC HE» SB RAMS (Angarsk). E-mail: aniimt_clinic@mail.ru
The study involved 174 patients with prolonged occupational exposure to various neurotoxicants (mercury, vinyl chloride, complex toxic substances), including computerized EEG, with the definition of long-latency evoked potentials, somatosensory evoked potentials, Doppler ultrasound of the extracranial vessels. The results of the survey have established electroencephalographic stages of formation changes brain activity in chronic mercury intoxication. Primary link EEG changes is the involvement of subcortical structures, and then the formation of the primary forms of HRI align changes in the hippocampus, and in the long-term intoxication - the corpus callosum. The presence of equivalent dipole sources of pathological EEG activity in areas of the cerebellum is common to all stages of the pathological process in mercury intoxication. Changes evoked potentials showed that neurotoxicants have an adverse effect on cortical-subcortical connections of the auditory and visual analyzer, weakening the function of the reticular formation. Cerebral vascular reactivity change upon exposure to mercury chloride complex and toxic substances has thrust and is characterized by impaired metabolic mechanism of regulation of cerebral blood flow and increased tonicity indicators according to Doppler ultrasound of the extracranial vessels. Complex neurophysiological techniques allowed us to establish meaningful diagnostic criteria of early forms of mercury intoxication and vinyl chloride, as well as prognostic criteria neurointoxications professional.
Pages: 35-42


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