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Journal Neurocomputers №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The contents of specific autoantibodies characterizing the state of nervous and immune systems teenagers with dif-ferent levels of adaptation opportunities
L. B. Masnavieva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Biochemistry Laboratory, East-Siberian Scientific Center of Human Ecology (Angarsk). E-mail: masnavieva_luda@mail.ru
I. V. Kudaeva - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Biochemistry Laboratory, East-Siberian Scientific Center of Human Ecology (Angarsk). E-mail: kudaeva_irina@mail.ru
Type of adaptation reactions studied by the method of L.Kh. Harkavy, the average individual immunoreactivity and the relative content of specific autoantibodies that characterize the state of the nervous and immune systems, investigated by ELISA in 335 healthy children (13-17 years) after signing the informed consent of their parents. Comparison of the frequency deviation of the studied parameters reference levels was performed using the software package «Statistica 6.0».
It has been found that a high level of reactivity was accompanied by inhibition of the synthesis of autoantibodies to the Fc frag-ment of IgG, low level, on the contrary, activation products of these antibodies. Differences in the content of specific autoantibo-dies that characterize the state of the nervous system, are not revealed in children depending on the level of reactivity.
It was found that a high level of reactivity was accompanied by inhibition of the synthesis of autoantibodies to the Fc fragment of IgG. Activation of antibody production was observed when these low level of reactivity. Differences in the content of specific autoantibodies that characterize the state of the nervous system, are not revealed in children depending on the level of reactivity. Low levels of autoantibodies to β2-glycoprotein have been identified in the state of reactivation more likely than other groups. Number of cases of elevated levels of autoantibodies to native DNA of students with reactivation was less than in the group with stress reaction. Immunoreactivity of antibodies to native DNA in the range of reference values were found significantly more often in children with reactivation than in the group with increased activation. The share of persons with reduced autoantibodies to S100 protein was highest in group of children with increased activation and reactivation and statis-tically significantly different from the group of children with a calm activation. The levels of average individual immunoreac¬tivity within the reference values have been significantly less frequently among children in disease and pre-existing disease compared with healthy children. State before the disease was accompanied by a more rare cases low levels of autoantibodies to the Fc fragment of IgG, compared with healthy peers.
In general, changes in the content of specific autoantibodies, reflecting the state of the nervous and immune systems have been observed in children with different levels of adaptive capacity of the organism.
Pages: 25-29
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