350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Design of information measuring system for distributed control measurements
P. A. Akbulatov - Master of Science, Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Measuring Systems and Technologies, MSTU "Stankin". E-mail: p.akbulatov@gmail.com
А. V. Shulepov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department Information Measuring Systems and Technologies, MSTU "Stankin". E-mail: dmmax@inbox.ru
This paper deals with the construction of the measuring information system for distributed control measurements. The article presents an analysis of the requirements for such a system, as well as the possible model for its implementation. The essence of the problem is that the range of parts manufactured on the engineering production varies over time, due to which the universality of the information measuring system (IMS) becomes extremely important, which implies flexibility and a wide measurement range of measuring devices and software tools. At the beginning of this article the authors present the problem to be solved for the construction of such a measurement information system. Next, the general characteristic of the problem is given, the sources of inaccuracy are considered. The authors highlight the problem of minimizing the human factor, substantiate the necessity of a shift from specialized measuring instruments to the set of universal ones, list the requirements for measuring information system for distributed control measurements, and propose a way to construct such a system. The article also touches upon such issues as the metrological support of distributed measurement, visualization of the results, gathering measurement information to generate statistics, work time accounting, choosing database models for the task. In addition, the article offers advice on selecting measurement tools, their integration into the information measuring system, as well as the more specific measuring devices with digital interface that satisfy the requirements. Authors cite as an illustration of outline of the information system for distributed control measurements and explain it. Finally, authors say that the developed concept of IMS for distributed control measurements is an important part of metro¬logical support of the engineering industries. Thus, the article reflects actual problem of modern engineering industries and propose a possible way to solve it.
Pages: 70-74

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