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Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Morphofunctional changes in schoolchildren with violation of auditory sensory system
O. A. Belova - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Chair of Biology and Methods of Teaching, S.A. Esenin Ryazan State University
N. A. Plotnikova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Chair of Pathology with Pathophysiology Course, N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk)
Children who are deaf or hard of hearing are generally referred to the group of health-challenged children. The restrictions imposed do not only concern their physical ability, but also ways and times in which information about the world around is given to those children through their ears, sparingly or even restrictively. Out of 100 pupils 62.3% have shown harmonious development, 24.73% ? disharmonious development, and the remaining 12.9%, acutely disharmonious. Boys aged 11-13 show greater harmony of development, and girls show less harmony. We can account for this by the fact that girls start growing in height 2 years earlier than boys, and for girls this process is not as intensive as for boys, the age group of 17-19, girls show greater harmony. In the age group of 17-19, girls show greater harmony than boys. In the age group of girls between 7 and 9, there is a direct dependence between height and weight, and weight and chest circumference. In the age group of 10-11-year-old girls, there is a direct-proportional positive correlation between each pair of the indicators stated above. In girls - groups of 14-15 and 16-19 direct-proportional dependence exists only between weight and chest circumference. Among 7-9-year-old boys is a positive correlation between each pair of the indicators stated. In boys - groups of 10-11, direct-proportional dependence exists only between weight and chest circumference. In boys - groups of 12-13 and 14-15, there is a direct-proportional positive correlation between each pair of the indicators stated.
Pages: 17-21

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