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Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Correction of functional state of female rats by method of EEG-dependent acoustic stimulation in vital stress model
T. V. Avaliani - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Researcher Scientist, Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.)
K. V. Konstantinov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Researcher Scientist, Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.) A. V. Bykova - Assistant Researcher, Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.)
N. K. Apraksina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Researcher Scientist, Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.)
S. G. Tsikunov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head, Laboratory of Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.)
K. V. Konstantinov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Researcher Scientist, Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.) A. V. Bykova - Assistant Researcher, Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.)
N. K. Apraksina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Researcher Scientist, Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.)
S. G. Tsikunov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head, Laboratory of Physiological Department named by I.P. Pavlov, FSBIS, SRI of Experimental medicine of RAMS N-W Dep. (SPb.)
Mechanisms of involuntary self-regulation of functional state of CNS in conditions of bioacoustic correction (BAC) are being studied at Physiology Department n.a. I.P. Pavlov of RI EM RAMS. The method decreases the level of reactive anxiety, spontaneous aggression and depression in patients in neurologic disorders.
Study objective - test this non-drug therapy on females to prevent the vital stress consequences.
Methods. BAC procedures involve listening to the sounds agreed with the proper bioelectric activity of the brain in real time. The electrodes were implanted in frontal and occipital cortex on the right and on the left with Zoletil anesthesia (0.6 ml/kg). 3 days after surgery the ECG was recorded for 20 min with free movement of rats in the cage (30X18 cm). The stress was modeled by placing rats to terrarium with python where the rats sympathized to the death of one of their kin. BAC sessions were performed for 10 days after stress. ECG processing was performed using cross-correlation analysis for determination of averaged profiles of cross-correlation connections (CCC) between frontal and occipital leads. There was calculated the rate of leading, lagging, synchronous connections and moments of absence of connection for ECG intervals 2 and more seconds long (300-380 intervals). 2 weeks before and after the stress the rats were tested in open field (OF). The test was also performed 2 weeks after treatment. We evaluated motor, investigative and emotional behavior. In order to evaluate behavior integrity cluster analysis was used. Control involved intact and stressed females who were not subject to BAC or exposed to the sounds not agreed to their own EEG.
Results. BAC sessions normalized motor and investigative behavior and improved emotional status of the stressed rats. Behavior structures in open field matched the norm. The stress led to CCC profile changes. After 3-7 BAC section the structural connections based on ECG parameters did not differ significantly from CCC profiles before stress. Sessions where the stressed rats listened to musical noises lead to the agitated behavior in the OF. Restoration of connection based on ECG parameters was detected only between occipital regions.
Conclusion. Listening to the sounds agreed to the own EEG in real time normalizes the behavior and structural connections in the brain of stressed rats. Exposure effect (number of sessions needed) depends on individual reaction of a rat to exposure to stress.
Pages: 5-10
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