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Journal Neurocomputers №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Information aspects of psychosomatic interactions. Information theory fundamental problems following from organism psychosomatic (self)regulation mechanisms
G. M. Alakoz - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences Councilor. E-mail: gen1nor2@gmail.com
A. V. Kotov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of behavior System Researches Department, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of normal physiology of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Head of normal physiology department in IME (Institute of Medical Education) in Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University. E-mail: lab_motiv@mail.ru
T. N. Loseva - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist of Motivation Physiology Laboratory, P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology of Russian Academy of Medical. Sciences. E-mail: lab_motiv@mail.ru
Conducted analysis of information-s role and place in organism-s psychosomatic interactions allows to conclude: 1. Regular and widely-advertised at the West programme of interdisciplinary researches on basis of nano-, bio-, information and cognitive technologies convergence (NBIC) for all declared goals nobility in fact is associated with generation of methods and psychophysiological tools of (non)violent human community stratification (authorized disparity). This scientific-political problem solution is hampered by psychosomatic activity material processes control problem, in which Russia has certain handicap owing to western scientific community still undervalue domestic (neuro)physiology achievements, spearheaded by I.M. Sechenov. 2. The centuries-old attempts to definitely separate "living" from "nonliving" almost always yielded opposite result and resulted in discovery unless unity then at least likeness of mechanisms, laws and regularities of material interactions regardless of which paradigm is dominating: "order from chaos" or "order from order" (by E. Schrödinger). This result makes it possible to amplify headlined "information as life basis" paradigm [32] to - information as basis for reproductive synthesis and not only synthesis of living. 3. Material substance "complexity" and "heterogeneity" evolutionary growth impartially results in variability increase of its properties which depend on conformational transformation representing interactions - atomic level, which tends to "firstborn physical chaos" regardless of its identifying parameters. Exactly this "chaos" predetermines hypercombinatorial cryptographic security of DNA-structures which are not only hereditary information material media but also tool for its usage in all the metabolic processed including descendants - reproductive synthesis. 4. Organism vital activity streamlining means overcoming of its subcellular mechanisms hyper-combinatorial cryptographic security in real-time, which is impossible to implement without psychosomatic interactions semantic context, which is stipulated by objective function of behavior that is always aimed at dominating at this moment motivation satisfaction. 5. Development dialectics of idea and formal system in terms of which this idea is formed is based on mutual consistency of phenomenological paradigms being the basis of, for example, Lobachevsky and Euclidean geometries. In this case formal system is understood as the whole set of terms, symbols, signs and their permissible operating rules; acts as "efferent grammar", which maintains communicative act of convincing human communication. In narrative communication such strict restrictions are not required because during such conversation always is possible to specify "narration semantic context", which is limited within the bounds of narration and no more than that. Hence motivation exactly sets "narration context", limited within the bounds of behavioral act aimed at its satisfaction. And no more than that! - One behavioral act - on semantic context - considering both inner and external its living conditions. 6. Dating back to the time of I.M. Sechenov (self)knowledge is based on processes collaterally subordinated to quantum mechanics and so results in necessity of using quantum paradigms for processes descriptions, which flows in unquantized systems. Uniqueness of structural-parametric methods and tools of information storage and transformation exactly consists in fact that they are invariant to physicochemical and molecular-biological nature of "elemental basis" operating. Owing to this feature they are suitable for usage in self-knowledge processes, so that they are applicable not only for all the living but also for any material ensuring their cognoscibility. At the same time existing physics - prejudice about impossibility of conducting intellectual operations regarding quantum substance with too "small lifetime" does not take into account possibility of highly dynamic regeneration of computing structures, steadiness of which is required to be maintained only during one (macro)assembler instruction execution. 7. Up-to-date and perspective computing machinery is able to be approximated by its "intellectual" possibilities to real brain ones if it will cope with technology of tasks context-dependent translation in each system element. This requires conversation to these tasks interpretation mode, in which procedures of instructions initialization are substituted by procedures of highly dynamic (re)generation of implementing these instructions PD-associative-type operating units.
Pages: 54-68

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