350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
EEG correlates of mental characteristic and states of man
O. I. Laktionova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Orel State University. E-mail: Laktionova57@mail.ru
Hypothesis of the study was that the individual human personality traits are based on some of the physiological background, reflected in the features of the electroencephalogram. The aim of the study was the selection of recorded objectively correlates individual characteristics of a person. The Freiburg Personality Inventory FPI (in modified form B), H. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire EPQ, questionnaire of the structure of temperament V.M. Rusalov (OST), scale reactive and personal anxiety B.H. Spielberg - Yu.L. Hanina, personal scale on aggression and conflict E.P. Ilyin and P.A. Kovalev, questionnaire T. Liri identifying the predominant type of interpersonal relations, the questionnaire of S.M. Emelyanov self-esteem conflict, I.M. Yusupovoy questionnaire to study the level of empathy trends were used to assess the psychological characteristics. Hardware-software complex «Mizar» was used for registration of EEG-indicators. Correlation and factor analysis of the data was performed using the software package «STATISTICA-10». The study involved 50 subjects aged from 18 to 25 years. A comparison of data identified EEG-correlates of following psychological features. It was found that neuroticism as temperament traits positively associated with the amplitude and frequency of β- and θ?rhythms, situational and personal anxiety - negatively associated with the severity of the α-rhythm. Social ergichnost as an indicator of the need for social interaction, as well as similar psychological characteristics  extraversion, sociability,  found a negative relation with the frequency of β-rhythm. Psychological property of «aggressiveness» was split into two independent properties «incredulity»  positively associated with the frequency of α-rhythm, demonstrating the high activation, and «opposition»  negatively associated with the frequency of β-rhythm, reflecting rather stiff. Positive correlation «empathy» with the index δ-rhythm and frequency γ-rhythm, and also negative correlation with the index of psychological properties of α?rhythm were revealed. Other psychological properties which are similar in content to empathy, also found similar correlation with indicators of δ-, γ- and α-rhythms. Property «conflictness» showed high magnitude but negative sign correlation with the power of θ-rhythm thus showed unexpected fact that persons who often take part in conflicts, basically have little emotion about them.
Pages: 36-37

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