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Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Minimality as «credo» of the brain
I. A. Bugakov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Inventor of Russia, Inter-regional non-governmental institution «Institute for Engineering Physics», SEI HPE «Institute of Information Technology and Management» (Serpukhov). E-mail: bia11@mail.ru
The report is devoted to the justification of one of the basic principles of construction and functioning of nature, which, taken into account, may be useful for researchers of natural and creators of artificial intelligence. This principle is the principle of minimality (PM), determining minimization of the main natural resources costs  energy E, space (volume) V, time T - as a condition to commit any (including mental) actions carried out in reality, a model of which is understood as an algebraic space D = E × V × T, generated by the basis e, v, t, where e, v, t are energy, volume and time quanta. Every material object d belongs to the space D as a point in this space, d = {kee, kvv, ktt} and, with energy Ed, occupying the volume Vd and having a «safety of life» Td at each time point is characterized by resource reserve Rd = Ed ∙ Vd ∙ Td, Tжd > Td, where Tжd  initially (at the «birth « of the object) « pledged « full lifetime of the object d. A special case of this principle is the principle of least action. The most important manifestations and consequences of the PM for understanding of how the brain should and can work to approach the theory of the brain are: 1. The principle of retention (inertia), special cases of which (inertia in mechanics, electrodynamics, chemistry, ...) are known: all things , being material , has inertia and therefore « resists « changes, including thinking («thinking inertia»). 2. Threshold of response (interaction) and, as a consequence, the range of existence and manifestation of objects qualities. 3. Self-organization as a «natural automatism». 4. Availability and consistency of structures to their functions, development of structures with the improvement of their functions. 5. Uniformity and plasticity of the brain. 6. Anticipation based on reflexes and associations as a condition for functioning in real time. 7. Consciousness as a method and an instrument for reflexes and automatisms forming, «super-reflex» for reflexes generation. 8. Dynamic perception of the external world (the principle of novelty, priority of a signal slope). 9. Integration of elements and functions in space and time as the essence and mechanism of development, the essence of evolution. 10. Perception as the integration of the input information, experience and relevance. 11. Parallelism and distributivity of information processing. 12. Minimum sufficiency of senses, their sensitivity and dynamic range. 13. Likeness of actuated structures in perception and imagination, preserving the topology of the sensor picture within its «projecting» into the brain. 14. Fractal and the hierarchical construction of the brain. 15. Basis properties of the structural elements, the special role of the idea of polarity, invariants, generalized Fourier series. 16. Gradient management and development, special role of the Fourier law in the motion of matter.
Pages: 13-14

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