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Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Specificities of computer simulation of spiking recurrent neural networks
simulation software
recurrent neural network
spiking neurons
reservoir computing
dynamic synapses
bio¬inspired models
E.N. Benderskaya - Ph.D. (Eng.), St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail: helen.bend@gmail.com
K.V. Nikitin - Post-graduate Student, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail: execiter@mail.ru
K.V. Nikitin - Post-graduate Student, St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail: execiter@mail.ru
In this paper a classification of spike recurrent neural networks (RNN), analyzed the features of the different classes of models, learning algorithms and their respective RNN computational capabilities. The results of the analysis of the spike in the RNN tank calculations. Switching neurons are considered and the momentum representation of information, the classification of a spike coding information. A comparison of the simulation environment spike RNN. Is a special algorithm simulation of spike RNN, through which can be modeled by all major models of spike neurons, electrical and chemical synapses, synapses with plasticity and dynamic synapses. The advantage of the algorithm is that the addition of new models of neurons, synapses, requires no changes to the algorithm itself.
Pages: 54-65
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