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Journal Neurocomputers №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Designing of decoding method of competence elements development level diagnostic results with using fuzzy logic
V. I. Freyman - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University E-mail: vfrey@mail.ru
For the modern Russian educational system problems of control and estimation learning results, specified in the competence format, are actual and important. However when the problem of testing diagnostic results decoding is resolved there is uncertainty in decision making. It is take place because compensation one results by another when it using additive integro-differential evaluation criterion (AIDEC). So for processing and decoding a testing diagnostic results of competences and its components and elements development level by authors it was suggested a using a fuzzy logic. In this paper is proposed a based on fuzzy logic an algorithm of decoding control results with difficult tests, which control some objects, and a detailed illustrative example is provided. A using a one test does not allow to make a clear conclusion (to make a defuzzification) for development level of each controlled discipline competence element because probability of compensation high estimates by low and conversely. In the practice of using a fuzzy logic a variable value is complemented, for example, by a value of its derivative. We use a com¬plement one test from another, a crossing by one or the controlled element. For each test from control tests is given a term-set. It consists of terms, corresponding to all possible combinations of the controlled elements development levels, controlled by test, in accordance with the selected binary scale ? «mastered/not mastered». For the each term a membership function is constructed. Then it is define values of output linguistical variable, which defines development levels of all elements controlled by test group. It is proposed a principle of constructed a productive rules with using near developed by the authors a method of analyze the logical conditions. For each rules is defined a Boolean function, is according to vector value by output linguistical variable. An decoding algorithm with using defuzzification (Zade method) is developed, a showing example for defining a clear conclusion by specific testing results is given. A proposed approached can be transformed to effective algorithms and plans to using on information support and software of automation system of studying process maintenance.
Pages: 26-30


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