350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №12 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Obtaining estimates of real-time job execution parameters under fixed priority scheduling
М. V. Kavalerov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University E-mail: mkavalerov@gmail.com N. N. Matushkin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University E-mail: mnn@pstu.ru
In the development of information and control systems, as real time systems, real-time scheduling techniques are applied to improve efficiency in the use of computational resources. In particular, more efficient scheduling of real-time tasks can make more stringent timing constraints to be met on a given hardware of an information and control system. There is a scheduling problem of real-time tasks under fixed-priority scheduling. This problem is reduced to the problem of task attribute assignment for real-time tasks, namely the assignment of offset, period, and priority for each task. These attributes must guarantee the execution of these tasks such that their timing constraints are met. Many studies have examined the different types of extensions of the standard model of fixed-priority scheduling. Such extensions make it possible to take into account more information about the features of real-time tasks and their constraints. And this serves as a basis for a more effective scheduling of real-time tasks in information and control systems. One of the possible extensions of the standard model of fixed priority scheduling is a transition from the standard constraints expressed with periods and deadlines to the class of linear interval constraints which includes many of timing constraints of control tasks. Such extension has demanded the development of new algorithms of task attribute assignment for tasks with constraints from this class. In previous papers the authors proposed a number of such algorithms that have different values of speed and efficiency. These algorithms can be used only if we know estimates (lower and upper bounds) of real-time job execution parameters. Therefore, we must be able to obtain these estimates on the basis of information about given real-time tasks. Execution parameters are defined as intervals between time instants related to job execution. For example, one of the best known is the so-called response time that equals to time interval between release time and finish time of a job. We must be able to estimate how external events and other jobs affect the response time, i.e., we must be able to obtain upper and lower bounds of the response time. However, apart from the response time, there are other job execution parameters. When the model of linear interval constraints is used, there are 10 execution parameters for each job. A new algorithm obtaining the estimates of these parameters is proposed. A proof is given that estimates obtained by this algorithm are correct
Pages: 7-13


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