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Journal Neurocomputers №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Application of IMA concept for making promising on-board radio-electronic equipment
L. М. Vdovin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC Research and Production Enterprise POLYOT. E-mail: polyot@atnn.ru
Requirements of aviation equipment developers on standardization extension and unification of aviation systems and equipment with permanently increasing of functionality set conditions for wide spread of integrated modular avionics (IMA) creation concept are given. When IMA concept takes place of federative concept of aviation complexes construction there are changes on all levels of chain of creation BREO, on both complexes level (complication of integration process) and system level (extension and complication of execute functions, change of system architecture and its interaction interfaces). One of the major accelerants of IMA equipment creation is persistent growth of capabilities and technique characteristics of electronic-component base, and also appearance of new computing and telecommunication technologies, which influence by the most direct way on appearance of promising avionics. As the result of domestic aviation industry activity for creation IMA components is set of standardized, unified components (mezzanines, modules, crates), which can be used for creation of systems and complexes for different aviation systems. The architecture of creation of onboard communication complex offered by the author is formed on the domestic IMA components. In the developing of IMA communication system the analysis of modern onboard radio stations construction was carried out. There general components for radio stations of various ranges have been allocated and their decomposition with the purpose to realize functions of separate sub-blocks by means of IMA have been carried out. Then the communication function realization option was created (in relation to the MS-21 plane) using the concept of IMA. The presented option of onboard communication system architecture possesses a number of advantages in comparison with the complex carrying out similar functions but realized on the basis of the existing federal approach to creation of the onboard radio-electronic equipment.
Pages: 55-60

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