350 rub

Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Logo design system based search clustering methods MSER with cloud computing
Windows Azure
search logos
image recognition
cloud computing
mobile application development
A.V. Dolgopolov, P.V. Skribtsov, M.A. Yakovlev
Described the development of the search engine logo, which is designed to search the logo, both on the right holder, and on the logo.
Developed search logos based on the following components:
1) to compare the logos used search algorithm extreme areas MSER and the clustering method of hypotheses. When recognizing logos included not only affine transformations: the shift, rotation, scaling, and transformations of color and form. This improves the quality of recognition of logos in human terms.
2) the use of cloud computing, and cloud storage for data processing and storage, which reduces the search time through parallelization of search operations and increase reliability.
The developed system has the ability to adapt to other methods for image retrieval and the ability to scale to search large databases.
Pages: 30-37
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