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Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Dorsal hippocampus neuronal patterns in response to the hypothalamus motivation centers stimulation: effects of the delta-sleep inducing peptide
O.S. Grigorchuk, P.E. Umryukhin
Neuronal patterns in CA1 field of the dorsal hippocampus were analyzed after stimulation of motivational centers of lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus in rats with active and passive types of behavior in the open field test. A neuron may change of impulse activity pattern differently in response to the same stimulus, if the stimulus triggers a different behavior. However, various stimulus inducing similar behavioral acts, may cause similar patterns discharges the same neuron. Despite much research, the patterns of spontaneous neuronal activity organizing and distributing its inter-pulse intervals are not fully clear. The aim is to study the spatial and temporal organization of the pattern of neuronal activity of the dorsal hippocampus in the formation of positive and negative emotional and motivational excitation, as well as to test the hypothesis about the possible effects of the stress protective peptide delta sleep patterns on the performance of impulse activity. 107 neurons of CA1 field of hippocampus were registered. Preliminary injection of delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) has a modulating effect on the change in the organization of the space-time characteristics of patterns of neural activity of the dorsal hippocampus. We have identified 3 types of modulation effects DSIP: Option 1 is characterized by changes in patterns of neural activity during stimulation of motivation structures in unresponsiveness neurons in this stimulation previously (10 neurons, or 9%). For the second effect is characterized by the absence of changes in neurons patterns responding to stimulation of motivation structures previously (9 or 8% of neurons). The third embodiment is characterized by changing the space and temporal characteristics of the pattern in neurons responding to stimulation of motivation zones both before and after the DSIP injection (5 or 4% of neurons). The discrepancies were found in the parameters of neuronal patterns between these groups of rats. It is shown that the stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus induces significant reorganization of the hippocampal neurons patterns, whereas ventromedial hypothalamus stimulation doesn-t. The versatile effects observed after delta sleep inducing peptide microiontophoretic application to hippocampal neurons are discussed in the article.
Pages: 45-51

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